Message from @The Watcher
Discord ID: 567191745620738059
Because they're fucking retarded
I get that
I don't get why Disney thought designing a new trilogy that actually invalidates everything that happened in the original trilogy was a good idea
Its all about the Benjamin's Baby <:pepe_smug:560207654207750154>
What if instead of first-to-the-post or proportional representation, there was equal-representation?
As long as you have a party for every belief, the executive body makes democratic decisions.
FPTP voting is gay
Ranked voting is better
Someone should debunk "yelling fire in a theater" for the sake of free speech absolutism.
I think people have
Fire in a theatre was decided by Wilson's Supreme Court iirc
And I was right, it was Wilson's sc who decided that
Universal suffrage is gay
Babies should VOTE
Indeed, people should be freed from suffering /s
are children oppressed and if they are, is it moral to oppress them?
They are if they can't vote
Only those eligible for the draft should vote
Also if a majority of them be democrats then so be it
18 is kind of arbitrary, it neither reflects sexual maturity, mental maturity, libido, or even social maturity
Fuck democracy
>kill Muslims at 18
>still can't drink
Just layover in Qatar and pop a few while enroute to Kuwait
Democracy is for despot loving faggots because that’s what you get. There’s a reason only a small portion of people were supposed to be voting
Why not fuck a hijabi while you're at it?
You don’t want hijab STDs
How do hijabis get STDs 🤔<:think_woke:378717098681171988>
I wonder if Allah gives hijabis virgins too <:Deus_Think:505447701589000192>
Can we get Sargon to sing the entirety of that 100% Nigga song?
If we pay him, like, $3,000.
@galesteppes 21 is an arbitrary number as well
25 isn’t though
That’s when your brain stops developing so alcohol can’t impact it
So shut up unless you want to have to wait even longer