Message from @Antiboom

Discord ID: 568614529920008193

2019-04-19 01:49:30 UTC  

@Frago hypothetical insert god here

2019-04-19 01:49:40 UTC  

@MountainMan that there is no hell?

2019-04-19 01:49:41 UTC  


2019-04-19 01:49:44 UTC  

Stand away from shaytans temptations. <:GWcorbinTopKek:384871333705678868>

2019-04-19 01:49:51 UTC  


2019-04-19 01:49:54 UTC  

Not latter

2019-04-19 01:49:55 UTC  


2019-04-19 01:49:55 UTC  

hell is not getting your 72 male virgins

2019-04-19 01:50:01 UTC  

That god isn’t omnescient

2019-04-19 01:50:04 UTC  

I reject all gods but “insert name”

2019-04-19 01:50:16 UTC  

I believe he’s just mean. @Antiboom

2019-04-19 01:50:21 UTC  


2019-04-19 01:50:22 UTC  


2019-04-19 01:50:29 UTC  


2019-04-19 01:50:34 UTC  

But then there’d be no free will

2019-04-19 01:50:44 UTC  

Because if there is free will then how is god omnescient

2019-04-19 01:50:51 UTC  

No idea.

2019-04-19 01:50:57 UTC  

@MountainMan hell is not being allowed to speak swedish in a discord...

2019-04-19 01:51:03 UTC  

Why don’t we ask him when we die? <:pepe_smug:560207654207750154>

2019-04-19 01:51:07 UTC  

@Werlf oof

2019-04-19 01:51:08 UTC  

And if god already knows you’re going to go to hell

2019-04-19 01:51:11 UTC  

@Werlf Agreed.

2019-04-19 01:51:13 UTC  

Easy answer ....? There is no god.

2019-04-19 01:51:21 UTC  

easy answer.....??

2019-04-19 01:51:23 UTC  

Then that doesn’t sound like giving you the chance to fix it

2019-04-19 01:51:27 UTC  

Atheists know everything

2019-04-19 01:51:53 UTC  

How many religions pre date the one you believe in now ??

2019-04-19 01:51:59 UTC  

@Antiboom No idea my dude. I’ve no idea how God or omniscience would work.

2019-04-19 01:52:05 UTC  

That is above my monkey brain.

2019-04-19 01:52:05 UTC  

Monotheistic? One

2019-04-19 01:52:23 UTC  

Saying there is a easy answer to the idea of god seems a bit of a cop out.

2019-04-19 01:52:23 UTC  

1 god theory

2019-04-19 01:52:25 UTC  

Zoroastrianism is it

2019-04-19 01:52:33 UTC  

@Frago do you know what agnostic means?

2019-04-19 01:52:48 UTC  

I understand the definition.

2019-04-19 01:53:07 UTC  

I wish I was agnostic. I am an atheist

2019-04-19 01:53:20 UTC  


2019-04-19 01:53:23 UTC  

Well Why don’t you start being agnostic?

2019-04-19 01:53:25 UTC  

The only Monotheistic god that predates mine is Ahura Mazda

2019-04-19 01:53:25 UTC  

Why can’t you just change

2019-04-19 01:53:27 UTC  
