Message from @PartlyAwesome

Discord ID: 568865476638408726

2019-04-19 18:20:36 UTC  


2019-04-19 18:21:25 UTC  

racism: anything that goes against the progressive hivemind

2019-04-19 18:21:46 UTC  

liberal = what we fucking say you fash

2019-04-19 18:21:55 UTC  


2019-04-19 18:22:00 UTC  

everyone who isn't a baizuo is nazi

2019-04-19 18:22:47 UTC  

what edition of this book are we on now?

2019-04-19 18:25:51 UTC  

Okay, so

2019-04-19 18:25:51 UTC  

reduced welfare is a good idea, but saying you can only vote if you are net payer is silly

2019-04-19 18:25:53 UTC  

Children of men

2019-04-19 18:25:56 UTC  

Meh story

2019-04-19 18:26:04 UTC  

Kinda dumb premise with no resolution

2019-04-19 18:26:07 UTC  

Lost connection for a bit.

2019-04-19 18:26:09 UTC  

Either way.

2019-04-19 18:26:11 UTC  

But hot damn did they get the filming on point

2019-04-19 18:26:24 UTC  

Monarchism would be retarded, especially absolutist monarchy which is what it usually asked for.

2019-04-19 18:26:29 UTC  

Like, it’s like they handed an amazing director a shitty story and huge budget

2019-04-19 18:26:39 UTC  

And the director was like “well, I’ll do my best”

2019-04-19 18:26:59 UTC  

Having a retard that's there with "divine rights" up until his death with absolute powers is 10000000000000 times worse than the current system in place with constitutional checks of power.

2019-04-19 18:27:03 UTC  

Tax payer only proportional representation republic

2019-04-19 18:27:52 UTC  

@PartlyAwesome how is that silly? why should those who only leech and not contribute anything have a bigger voice than those who have their money stolen via tax?

2019-04-19 18:28:18 UTC  

bigger voice?

2019-04-19 18:28:43 UTC  

why should those who dont contribute have a say over how taxes are spent?

2019-04-19 18:29:09 UTC  

they'll just vote for more free shit for themselves and higher taxes for the hard working

2019-04-19 18:29:19 UTC  

what stake do they have in society?

2019-04-19 18:29:56 UTC  

They want to be generous with your money

2019-04-19 18:30:12 UTC  

how taxes are spent effects everyone, including those who aren't net contributors

2019-04-19 18:30:22 UTC  

yeah thats the problem

2019-04-19 18:30:29 UTC  

also it's currently possible to have a job and be a net taker

2019-04-19 18:30:40 UTC  

thus those who dont contribute to them they shouldn't have a say in how theyre spent

2019-04-19 18:31:53 UTC  

but if you have a job, you do get taxed, it's just other situations can make it so you get benefits?

2019-04-19 18:32:29 UTC  

if you only take into account the opinions of those who are taxed large enough to be a net payer, then you'll never get the opinion of the disadvantaged

2019-04-19 18:32:37 UTC  

on the dole? no vote for you

2019-04-19 18:32:57 UTC  

Whats this, the "muh privilege" bullshit?

2019-04-19 18:33:12 UTC  

abolish affirmative-action as well

2019-04-19 18:33:18 UTC  

not all "privilege" is bullshit you know?

2019-04-19 18:33:28 UTC  

"privledge" is made up bullshit

2019-04-19 18:33:31 UTC  

and doesn't exist

2019-04-19 18:34:00 UTC  

Nah, privilege definitely exists. It's simply not as black and white as the regressives want to make it out to be.

2019-04-19 18:34:07 UTC  

it doesn;t

2019-04-19 18:34:10 UTC  

The political class is privileged

2019-04-19 18:34:11 UTC  

for instance.