Message from @strider83

Discord ID: 626918215389413387

2019-09-26 23:03:05 UTC  

brexit is merely revealing that your government never was intending to do what people wanted, only tangentially they might do it now and then by coincidence

2019-09-26 23:04:25 UTC  

it did show as well how disconnected the politicians are from the public

2019-09-26 23:05:34 UTC  

I’m rooting for no deal Brexit 😊 People should get what they want

2019-09-26 23:05:52 UTC  

think almost everyone here does so

2019-09-26 23:06:27 UTC  

the resident europhile is not big on brexit

2019-09-26 23:06:32 UTC  

but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

2019-09-26 23:07:20 UTC  

Europhile is only 2 letters away from pedophile <:pepe_eyes:378719408362881024>

2019-09-26 23:07:27 UTC  

Brexit will be a disaster for U.K.

2019-09-26 23:07:32 UTC  

No doubt about that

2019-09-26 23:07:34 UTC  

Did I just discover a conspiracy?

2019-09-26 23:07:38 UTC  

No it won't

2019-09-26 23:07:48 UTC  

But still... it is very important that it happens

2019-09-26 23:08:00 UTC  

I hope we will see it

2019-09-26 23:08:14 UTC  

a few years of pain yes. but it not going to be close to what the EU is going to feel when they run out of money when the economy collapse

2019-09-26 23:08:16 UTC  

disaster isn't really the right word

2019-09-26 23:08:44 UTC  

EU won’t run out of money 😂

2019-09-26 23:08:48 UTC  

it's gonna be messy, but we're pretty good at muddling through

2019-09-26 23:08:48 UTC  

It’s not how it works

2019-09-26 23:08:55 UTC  

@Dust They make camo MAGA hats

2019-09-26 23:08:56 UTC  

It already is running out of money

2019-09-26 23:09:10 UTC  

EU will be fine

2019-09-26 23:09:20 UTC  

@Fitzydog they do, but apparently only in GayCU and hunting camo

2019-09-26 23:09:21 UTC  

Why do you think they want to charge the uk €1b per month?

2019-09-26 23:09:27 UTC  

Are you fucking dumb?

2019-09-26 23:09:34 UTC  

@Dust oooof

2019-09-26 23:09:38 UTC  

Because of the budgetary plans and expenses

2019-09-26 23:09:46 UTC  

It’s not easy to rearrange that

2019-09-26 23:09:46 UTC  

germanys economy is atm running on fumes. france is in constant riots. most others are a negate cost for them

2019-09-26 23:09:58 UTC  

Yes thank you for making my point

2019-09-26 23:10:14 UTC  

EU won't be just fine. They're fucked. Which is great ;)

2019-09-26 23:10:35 UTC  

That's fine <:thisisfine:378719407981199363>

2019-09-26 23:10:35 UTC  

Lol 😂

2019-09-26 23:10:44 UTC  

budgetary plans and expenses rely on money being in the coffer

2019-09-26 23:10:46 UTC  


2019-09-26 23:10:53 UTC  

Everything will be just fine

2019-09-26 23:10:58 UTC  


2019-09-26 23:11:11 UTC  

No deal brexit will help EU a lot

2019-09-26 23:11:13 UTC  

tfw UK leaves the EU and far-right parties gain electoral dominance all over the continent

2019-09-26 23:11:19 UTC  

Integration will be faster

2019-09-26 23:11:31 UTC  

The UK is the 3rd greatest contributor to the eu budget

2019-09-26 23:11:36 UTC  

cant run a government when you dont have money