Message from @ShrektEffect

Discord ID: 626932487435714560

2019-09-27 00:01:54 UTC  

What can stop brexit?

2019-09-27 00:02:25 UTC  

normally nothing. atm anything can happen.

2019-09-27 00:02:53 UTC  

A Lib Dem majority 🤢

2019-09-27 00:03:09 UTC  

Brexit Party would out number Lib Dem

2019-09-27 00:03:19 UTC  

and that is why they dont call a GE

2019-09-27 00:03:37 UTC  

the remain side knows they get viped out

2019-09-27 00:04:00 UTC  

But they just wanted one

2019-09-27 00:04:03 UTC  

And now they don't

2019-09-27 00:04:08 UTC  

Next week they will again

2019-09-27 00:04:10 UTC  

Lib dems and labour basically split votes

2019-09-27 00:04:13 UTC  

If the labour party and lib dem oarty don't have any more tricks up their sleaves, why am I supposed to be scared that 'something will happen' and brexit won't?

2019-09-27 00:04:32 UTC  

If labour gets more than 20% I will cut my dick off

2019-09-27 00:04:53 UTC  

Tranny 😳

2019-09-27 00:04:59 UTC  

London is practically a solid what 13%?

2019-09-27 00:04:59 UTC  

All the sjws are voting for lib dems now

2019-09-27 00:05:19 UTC  

Labour is for old fucking boomers who don't follow politics at all

2019-09-27 00:05:28 UTC  

Or communist sympathisers

2019-09-27 00:05:28 UTC  

Bitch ass Scots will vote snp

2019-09-27 00:05:44 UTC  

They'll vote snp but won't vote to actually fucking leave

2019-09-27 00:05:46 UTC  

I feel like we haven't reached any conclusions

2019-09-27 00:05:52 UTC  


2019-09-27 00:05:55 UTC  

I guess the scots reget not leaving the UK now 😛

2019-09-27 00:05:55 UTC  

Lol tru

2019-09-27 00:06:00 UTC  


2019-09-27 00:06:03 UTC  


2019-09-27 00:06:06 UTC  

I hope they do

2019-09-27 00:06:07 UTC  

Watch until the 31st very carefully

2019-09-27 00:06:31 UTC  

If they leave and EU doesn't accept them can we invade again?

2019-09-27 00:06:48 UTC  

atm 31st is the big day and anything can happen as they are looking into tombs so old that US was not around to look for laws that can help them in some ways

2019-09-27 00:07:09 UTC  

There's nothing in Scotland worth invading it for

2019-09-27 00:07:25 UTC  

Yeah but we will just use em for war

2019-09-27 00:07:34 UTC  

Like we always have

2019-09-27 00:07:54 UTC  

I don't want anything to do with those things

2019-09-27 00:08:00 UTC  

What if we leave the EU but Parliament acts like we didn't and then the UK has a free trade crisis?

2019-09-27 00:08:08 UTC  

You can be bait

2019-09-27 00:08:15 UTC  

I don't think that can happen

2019-09-27 00:08:36 UTC  

Parliament are demented, you'd bet that it'll happen

2019-09-27 00:08:41 UTC  

That could happen

2019-09-27 00:08:48 UTC  

They are pretty fuckjng useless

2019-09-27 00:09:03 UTC  

does Parliament control the justice system and the courts?

2019-09-27 00:09:12 UTC  

depends if there have been a GE and who is behind the wheels