Message from @Pope Pingu

Discord ID: 627713367540236318

2019-09-29 03:10:57 UTC  

well guess what

2019-09-29 03:12:14 UTC  

adapt to survive

2019-09-29 03:12:36 UTC  

even tho society will destroy itself

2019-09-29 03:25:49 UTC

2019-09-29 03:25:56 UTC  

war on incels has begun

2019-09-29 03:27:06 UTC  

If you see someone "joking" about pedophilia in some edgy or histrionic way the chances of them actually being a pedophile is pretty high

2019-09-29 03:27:35 UTC  


2019-09-29 03:27:36 UTC  

Thats how they act all the time on image boards

2019-09-29 03:36:07 UTC  

we live in a society

2019-09-29 03:36:19 UTC  

imma go with a trench coat just to troll

2019-09-29 03:37:18 UTC  

actually i dont have a trench coat cuz im not autistic

2019-09-29 03:37:19 UTC  

trench coat, naked

2019-09-29 03:37:30 UTC  

fun fun fun

2019-09-29 03:43:13 UTC  

Cant even go to the movies by yourself without getting pressed :(

2019-09-29 03:43:55 UTC  

bitches be grinding on me to see if i have got a weapon in my pants

2019-09-29 03:46:47 UTC  

I wish i could say i dont support these rules leading up to Joker's premiere

2019-09-29 03:48:01 UTC  


2019-09-29 03:48:04 UTC  

its a shame

2019-09-29 03:48:10 UTC  

anything but a shooting

2019-09-29 03:48:31 UTC  

if it happens i really think they brought it upon themselves tho

2019-09-29 03:48:49 UTC  

constantly drawing attention to the trolls

2019-09-29 03:49:50 UTC  

a dude like the christchurch shooting will definitely see it as an opportunity to make a statement

2019-09-29 03:50:11 UTC  

nothing will happen this time

2019-09-29 03:50:17 UTC  

you mean saint brenton tarrant? @Pope Pingu

2019-09-29 03:51:16 UTC  

Why did the other joker shooter color his hair orange

2019-09-29 03:51:31 UTC  

cuz he was crazy

2019-09-29 03:51:53 UTC  

Hes a pozer

2019-09-29 03:52:28 UTC  

Brenton Tarrant was a martyr for the faith

2019-09-29 03:52:51 UTC  


2019-09-29 03:52:55 UTC  

Great shooting Brenton! @Tero

2019-09-29 03:53:04 UTC  

he did more for islam than anythin

2019-09-29 03:53:10 UTC  


2019-09-29 03:53:22 UTC  

sent 50 muslims to heaven

2019-09-29 03:53:23 UTC  

yeah if you let your enemies kill you, you win

2019-09-29 03:53:24 UTC  

No ammo control, that was Brenton's problem

2019-09-29 03:53:26 UTC  

how generous

2019-09-29 03:53:51 UTC  

180 rounds into 50 people, that's a waste bro

2019-09-29 03:54:11 UTC  


2019-09-29 03:54:13 UTC  

idk bro

2019-09-29 03:54:16 UTC  

He was running so low on ammo he was reloading mags he'd already dropped

2019-09-29 03:54:19 UTC  

how many kids he kill?