Message from @satanklaus

Discord ID: 623239349949169664

2019-09-16 19:28:44 UTC  

no that you nig about muh irony

2019-09-16 19:28:47 UTC  

that you try to seem smarter than everyone

2019-09-16 19:28:50 UTC  

@Captain Kirk JT hey kork look

2019-09-16 19:28:53 UTC  

This is a message for the fat fuck named Captain Kirk JT:I'm fucking sick and tired that everytime this lard gargling fat italian fuck ever mentions my name all that ever comes out are self-indulgent lies of a sad pathetic human being who wishes he was as important as he thinks he is.
I never contacted the FBI and will not contact the FBI, your shithole of a server is an afterthought of an era that no longer exist you malignant cyst of a human being.
I was never a pedo all I ever tried to achieve is to protect a minor from getting her nudes exposed all over the fucking internet, call it white knighting I don't give a fuck about what a lesser human being like you thinks about me. I have the screenshots to prove all of this.
You bringing my name up every second week thinking that I'm the ONE obsessed with you is just the biggest proof of how not self-aware and absolutely stupid you are. Find a new hobby and leave me alone with your shitty, weak as fuck lies, because I'm tired of getting messaged that Kirk said something about me.
You will always be an absolute shitstain of a human being whose existence is just a burden on people who actually matter. I wouldn't have to resort to this message if you were a man enough to even message me or accept my friend request so I can say it to your greasy face you Taigetos reject.
I consider this my last message to you, Mario. Grow up and stop being obsessed with me, because I feel cringe everytime you mention me with that assumed air of authority telling about me doing things I never did. Do the world a favour and off yourself so you can give space to at least 3 other human beings.

2019-09-16 19:28:54 UTC  

troll university

2019-09-16 19:29:00 UTC  

This is a message for the fat fuck named Captain Kirk JT:I'm fucking sick and tired that everytime this lard gargling fat italian fuck ever mentions my name all that ever comes out are self-indulgent lies of a sad pathetic human being who wishes he was as important as he thinks he is.
I never contacted the FBI and will not contact the FBI, your shithole of a server is an afterthought of an era that no longer exist you malignant cyst of a human being.
I was never a pedo all I ever tried to achieve is to protect a minor from getting her nudes exposed all over the fucking internet, call it white knighting I don't give a fuck about what a lesser human being like you thinks about me. I have the screenshots to prove all of this.
You bringing my name up every second week thinking that I'm the ONE obsessed with you is just the biggest proof of how not self-aware and absolutely stupid you are. Find a new hobby and leave me alone with your shitty, weak as fuck lies, because I'm tired of getting messaged that Kirk said something about me.
You will always be an absolute shitstain of a human being whose existence is just a burden on people who actually matter. I wouldn't have to resort to this message if you were a man enough to even message me or accept my friend request so I can say it to your greasy face you Taigetos reject.
I consider this my last message to you, Mario. Grow up and stop being obsessed with me, because I feel cringe everytime you mention me with that assumed air of authority telling about me doing things I never did. Do the world a favour and off yourself so you can give space to at least 3 other human beings.

2019-09-16 19:29:07 UTC  

This is a message for the fat fuck named Captain Kirk JT:I'm fucking sick and tired that everytime this lard gargling fat italian fuck ever mentions my name all that ever comes out are self-indulgent lies of a sad pathetic human being who wishes he was as important as he thinks he is.
I never contacted the FBI and will not contact the FBI, your shithole of a server is an afterthought of an era that no longer exist you malignant cyst of a human being.
I was never a pedo all I ever tried to achieve is to protect a minor from getting her nudes exposed all over the fucking internet, call it white knighting I don't give a fuck about what a lesser human being like you thinks about me. I have the screenshots to prove all of this.
You bringing my name up every second week thinking that I'm the ONE obsessed with you is just the biggest proof of how not self-aware and absolutely stupid you are. Find a new hobby and leave me alone with your shitty, weak as fuck lies, because I'm tired of getting messaged that Kirk said something about me.
You will always be an absolute shitstain of a human being whose existence is just a burden on people who actually matter. I wouldn't have to resort to this message if you were a man enough to even message me or accept my friend request so I can say it to your greasy face you Taigetos reject.
I consider this my last message to you, Mario. Grow up and stop being obsessed with me, because I feel cringe everytime you mention me with that assumed air of authority telling about me doing things I never did. Do the world a favour and off yourself so you can give space to at least 3 other human beings.

2019-09-16 19:29:39 UTC  

did he get banned

2019-09-16 19:29:45 UTC  

or did he leave voluntarily

2019-09-16 19:29:48 UTC  

man where's the ram manifesto

2019-09-16 19:29:55 UTC  

gonna piss

2019-09-16 19:29:57 UTC  


2019-09-16 19:30:05 UTC  

sorry viktor

2019-09-16 19:30:06 UTC  

didnt you print it on redbubble

2019-09-16 19:30:08 UTC  

I was just following orders

2019-09-16 19:30:10 UTC  

heil hitler

2019-09-16 19:30:11 UTC  


2019-09-16 19:30:20 UTC  

it's fine he has another alt

2019-09-16 19:30:38 UTC  

gonna pee now

2019-09-16 19:30:40 UTC  

hi Viktor!

2019-09-16 19:30:46 UTC  

viktor u didnt answer

2019-09-16 19:30:48 UTC  

my r6

2019-09-16 19:30:51 UTC  


2019-09-16 19:31:02 UTC  

Viktor u smell

2019-09-16 19:31:15 UTC  

did discord clip everyone?

2019-09-16 19:31:20 UTC  

ironic memes are getting old

2019-09-16 19:31:20 UTC  

I just got thrown off

2019-09-16 19:31:28 UTC  

i have a history of losing my shirt

2019-09-16 19:31:41 UTC  


2019-09-16 19:31:45 UTC  

atlesat i have my swag airpods

2019-09-16 19:31:49 UTC  


2019-09-16 19:31:51 UTC  


2019-09-16 19:31:52 UTC  


2019-09-16 19:31:57 UTC  

flex on black people

2019-09-16 19:31:59 UTC  

i have a history of losing my shirt

2019-09-16 19:32:01 UTC  


2019-09-16 19:32:01 UTC  


2019-09-16 19:32:12 UTC  

you have a history of having constant diarrhea

2019-09-16 19:32:15 UTC  

giving that a swift delete