Message from @Aunt Jemima
Discord ID: 618634836139180032
do you know that 2XL shirts are too fucking tight in the shoulders DN
my shoulders are fucking big
just get them shaved down
I would totaly go trap if I wasn't built like a brick
Trent Gates, 23, on the right, did a do-it-yourself castration and now feels freer without his penis and testicles. ```
Eunchs have to happen before puberty
and then you get fucking tall
no they don't
i dont know why
but if you get snippy before puberty
you grow to be super fucking tall
`He cut off his penis at his Washington apartment and then a year later removed his testicles in a North Carolina hotel room. A friend watched to make sure there were no medical complications.`
current day natural selection is weird
tfw no friend to make sure your pp cutting goes smoothly
`The headshrinkers apparently declared him sane.`
@Punishedx2 Tinker Tom grinder > biker
Biker is health + armor
grinder is all health
no armor
you two can watch each other cut off your cock n balls
just shoot dudes
ok I dont give a shit about health with no armor
I want both
okay enjoy mediocrity
@Spicy that article is fantastic
canadias finest
`However, his mother threw out his frozen penis which he left in the family freezer.`
>tfw mom found the penis bag
@Double Negative damn threw it out before he could fry it up
catheter tube