Message from @Aunt Jemima
Discord ID: 618640738342666260
@Double Negative that is inserted where?? How is having a plastic tube hanging out better than a penis
Makes me remember something I read on some philosophy book
About females being pure sexuality and guys being sexuality and something more
and that his dick was almost an afterthought and he could live without it <:pepega:526150635431657472>
@Udyr Shit Post God none of that made sense
@MrPlaid Philosophy doesn't make sense
No you just described it retardedly
who cares about star wars in here
philosophy like a bag of potato chips
you got half chips half air
Basically he was trying to say women are cumdupsters
How does he enjoy sex?
women are shit
the name trent
I hat ewomen
I hate WOMEN
ok fag
I hate women
you like little girls though
fucking pedo
yeah they're ok
they're not stupid whores
they're just stupid kids
unlike you and your mom
which is more bearable to be around
just cause no woman wants to hook up with a skinny incel you go after kids who don't know better
i hope their 6'2 hairy dad buttfucks you with a blunt weapon
I'm not s?
I'm just saying I don't like being around women
they're full of drama
idk why you immediately though it was sexual
cause you're a pedophile