Message from @Fried
Discord ID: 618698606303772672
its not hard
just need a chopper
i know, but would need a bit of a proactice
i am already 600iq pilot in rust
totally believe you
@Captain Kirk JT buy me pilot suit for rust on steam and i will be yours clans best pilot
just gotta throttle that collective and move the cyclic
not that fuckin hard
tweak out the torque with the foot pedals
bruh i hear some noice
someone pinging on discord?
why is it louder
i gotta blow my brains out im sneezing so fucking hard
o shid rocket incoming
time for a barel roll
fucking sams
thats gay
silo and player bases have em
dropping nades on federal buildings
with the armored plate on the bottom of the heli
.yt vietnam loach heli
fucker can be piloted like a drone
use the camea to spy on my neighbor
see through their roof
she wont notice a thing