Message from @Kiroo
Discord ID: 611696835752361984
why not
What state is Kirk out of
you gotta believe man
open your miiiiind
gotta use your
WHAT STATE IS HE FROM (ignore the glow)
he's from the Two Sicilies
Wait I thought he lived in the US
i dont remember
springfield isn't a state
it's a city
i know i was having a retard moment from lack of sleep
ok no
but kirk is from calacutta
coz i can't tell if its a real state
which is a real place
just like ottawa
and delaware
.yt asmr mom shits in your mouth
I had vodkasa
do a flip
I amm sexually activre
Fu k kirk
Who agreesssss
He can drive a forklift and you cant
ima go sleep
gnite lads
I can drive a truck
Goodnight you neon fuck