Message from @Alchemeister
Discord ID: 636393742848229396
@Corvo you're in <#636389494576381954> calling people cringe and saying cum and other gay shit. Wtf is wrong with you
>tell me how you prove intent
literally moving the goalpost
I proved that law condemns bodily harm caused in a fist fight no matter the consent
The Supreme Court decided that given that fistfights have no social value the right of people to consent to bodily harm should be restricted, to see that they do not consent to fist fights
I proved that law condemns bodily harm caused in a fist fight no matter the consent
>It's legal cuz u can't prove it lololololololol
That literally wasn't your argument retard, you said you could consent to be punched in the nose for 5$
This would result in your nose breaking and you being assaulted
You can consent to playfight and cause no injury, not to harm people
@Alchemeister Idk why you always shit on me ever since ive met u on this server
I mean Tom... Your defense is very flimsy if it has any ground
You could consent to be punched in the nose in the context of a sport with a set of rules
@Corvo cause all you say and do is dumb faggot shit
Not in a fist fight, this was very specifically addressed by the court, as I said in my initial argument, there are precedents that deal with this.
@Alchemeister you take this too seriously then
@Double Negative disgusting
You're the one who made the original comparison, you have only yourself to blame for deeming your own analogy to be bad.
There is no talking on this matter to be had, I won't deal with willful ignorance
@TinkerTom is she 10?
I proved my point, take it as you want, the only talking we can resume on is on the subject that led us here, which is YT's scummy practices
This jurisprudence is also an excellent example of practices being outlawed because of negative social impacts
Youtube shouldn't be exempt from such considerations, certain otherwise harmless practices are outlawed in contexts in which they are harmful
for instance you have to register to run politically loaded ads in an election
YT never does that yet it clearly supports political stances <:smork:309402628050124801>
How are fist fights negative social whatever but boxing is positive
Because it's in sportsmanship
It's kind of abhorrent but it's considered a part of culture
That seems a bit wierd. The line there has to be extremely thin
Like what about fight clubs?
Not really, the criterias for a boxing ring are pre-defined and follow the art of boxing, same for other martial arts
Some fight clubs are legal, others are clandestine
fighting sports usually have a decent amount of discipline and require very specific things, such as a capable arbiter on the ring to prevent abuse
some also imply specific protective equipment and a restriction on the moves you are allowed to make
It's generally easy to tell if someone's a boxing enthusiast in a legit fight club or just a pair of nigs who wanted to fistfight and pass it off as a sport
The sport also requires you to register as an amateur club
.... What about nigs that have.... It all legit but not permits
Yea that was my next thing. Probably relies on permits
not being in a registered amateur athletic association is going to be a big problem
I am not sure if it constitutes an absolute override if the club was in fact in accordance to the regulations imposed by the fact of being an association, it probably does because bureaucracy tho