Message from @Double Negative
Discord ID: 590237123945431087
and have same nutrition value as real meat
unclesampatriot is a legend
.yt lakupiippu
Why are finns mongolian
i dont know
our teacher explained some shit where hitler compared human skulls
and finnish skulls resembled mongolian skulls
Unga bunga great wall
so this is just some <:npc:514175633576951819> tier shit
hail hortler
does this look white to you san
Does any of you don't have a gay porn folder?
no saamis arent white
@Double Negative u don't?
why does metal involve hot women in their music videos
@saN because metal is manly
as i said
arent white
.yt iced earth imhotep
`The Sámi people (also Saami) are an indigenous people of northern Europe inhabiting Sápmi, which today encompasses parts of northern Sweden, Norway, Finland, and the Kola Peninsula of Russia`
all mongols
.yt iced earth ten thousand strong