Message from @NotSoBot
Discord ID: 595854892812206080
⛔ Please input url(s), mention(s) or attachment(s).
.nick mass reset
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> Nickname changed.
.command nick
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> Disabled nick
✅ Enabled command `nick`.
.nick mass reset
⚠ Are you **SURE** you want to remove everyones nickname?
this might take a while, pls wait
ok, reset the nickname of `199` users, failed/already changed `1328` (`1` forbidden, `0` rate limit/other).
.nick mass reset
⚠ Are you **SURE** you want to remove everyones nickname?
this might take a while, pls wait
ok, reset the nickname of `0` users, failed/already changed `1528` (`1` forbidden, `0` rate limit/other).
.nick mass reset
.nick mass reset
⚠ Are you **SURE** you want to remove everyones nickname?
this might take a while, pls wait
ok, reset the nickname of `0` users, failed/already changed `1528` (`1` forbidden, `0` rate limit/other).
what a niggerbot
.nick mass reset
⚠ Are you **SURE** you want to remove everyones nickname?
this might take a while, pls wait
ok, reset the nickname of `0` users, failed/already changed `1528` (`1` forbidden, `0` rate limit/other).
fucking hell
too many users at once
.nick mass reset
⚠ Are you **SURE** you want to remove everyones nickname?
this might take a while, pls wait
ok, reset the nickname of `1` users, failed/already changed `1527` (`1` forbidden, `0` rate limit/other).