Message from @esports athlete

Discord ID: 628317478136840203

2019-09-30 19:37:52 UTC  

that is necessary

2019-09-30 19:37:59 UTC  

I am hungry too!

2019-09-30 19:38:42 UTC  

@♥Chocola♥ make us some food

2019-09-30 19:38:49 UTC  

fried chicken

2019-09-30 19:38:53 UTC  

like grandma used to make

2019-09-30 19:39:07 UTC  

grandma was a nigger?

2019-09-30 19:39:12 UTC  


2019-09-30 19:46:07 UTC  

what's wrong with fried chicken?

2019-09-30 19:46:59 UTC  
2019-09-30 19:47:05 UTC  

nothing it's great

2019-09-30 19:47:13 UTC  

oh, fried chicken bad because black people like eating it? Like okra? Where one person once told me out of nowhere, hey you know, black people eat that stuff and pointed to a bundle of okra I had in my court repeatedly all spastic

2019-09-30 19:47:20 UTC  

what's okra

2019-09-30 19:47:35 UTC

2019-09-30 19:48:03 UTC  

what is

2019-09-30 19:48:22 UTC  

@esports athlete where are you from?

2019-09-30 19:48:37 UTC  

not sure

2019-09-30 19:48:38 UTC  


2019-09-30 19:49:06 UTC  

are you in some flyover state?

2019-09-30 19:49:15 UTC  

oh no wait, you'd know it then

2019-09-30 19:49:15 UTC  

just googled okra

2019-09-30 19:49:20 UTC  

never heard of it

2019-09-30 19:49:22 UTC

2019-09-30 19:49:27 UTC  

is this a common thing

2019-09-30 19:49:39 UTC  

what does okra taste like

2019-09-30 19:49:40 UTC  

@esports athlete in the US in some spots yea

2019-09-30 19:49:59 UTC  

weird consistency inside, like SNOT depending how you prepare it

2019-09-30 19:50:09 UTC  

Abelmoschus esculentus

2019-09-30 19:50:23 UTC  

ladies fingers?????????

2019-09-30 19:50:39 UTC  

you know it as ladies fingers?

2019-09-30 19:50:45 UTC  


2019-09-30 19:50:49 UTC  

I've only seen it referred to as okra in the US and EU countries

2019-09-30 19:50:49 UTC  

never heard of it

2019-09-30 19:51:06 UTC  

is it a vegable

2019-09-30 19:51:26 UTC  

I would assume so

2019-09-30 19:51:30 UTC

2019-09-30 19:51:38 UTC  

see the small green blips in the US

2019-09-30 19:51:51 UTC  


2019-09-30 19:51:56 UTC  

there are side effects?

2019-09-30 19:52:05 UTC  

yea, maybe shitting your pants if you eat too much

2019-09-30 19:52:26 UTC  

gonna cry?

2019-09-30 19:52:31 UTC  

shit your pants maybe?