Message from @Alchemeister

Discord ID: 635879071263490063

2019-10-21 16:21:26 UTC  

Reagan didn't like this at all though and he and the glowniggers conspired to do it anyways. The CIA needed funding though and they sure as shit weren't going to get it from the US treasury, so what did they do?

2019-10-21 16:23:05 UTC  

they started smuggling coke. They would smuggle large quantities of cocaine into the US from central America and distribute it and sell it all across the country in order to get funding to dick around in Nicaragua. And the airport here became glownigger central. I live in an extremely rural, isolated part of the US, western Arkansas in the Ouachita Mountains, and Arkansas is...very rural. To give a sense of scale to the eurofags here

2019-10-21 16:25:22 UTC  

The state of Arkansas is larger than England yet only has 5% of its population. Our largest city has under 200k people in it and the metro area is 738,000. That's our capital city, the state as a whole only has 3 million people and it's larger than all of England. Very rural and very isolated, which made it perfect for the CIA to set up shop here since it wouldn't attract much attention. It's really scenic here and I took a bunch of photos of the area, you can see how much nothing there is here, except rolling mountains and forests, I can share if interested, these are some pretty nice photos

2019-10-21 16:26:34 UTC  

I live in a small town called Mena. It has an airport, which is a really tiny airport that only really serves tiny privately owned turboprop aircraft, it doesn't have the capacity for jetliners and doesn't offer commercial flights. This airport became the nexus and HQ for the CIA operations in the country

2019-10-21 16:27:36 UTC  

The main pilot was a guy named Barry Seal, he and his underlings would smuggle coke into the country from latin america and would smuggle weapons from here to the Contras

2019-10-21 16:28:24 UTC  

ALL of the weapons smuggled to the Contras were delivered from Mena airport, and all the drugs smuggled into the country were airdopped within relatively close proximity to Mena in the forests around here where they'd be picked up by other glowniggers

2019-10-21 16:29:40 UTC  

Eventually this whole thing was discovered and it caused a bit of a scandal, but...everyone involved got away with it. The CIA insists to this day they dindu nuffin and keep trying to cover it up. They got my entire fucking town addicted to drugs, they're gone now but their effects still linger, now this town is full of fucking addicts and it's all because of glow in the dark CIA niggers

2019-10-21 16:30:19 UTC  

Reagan was involved, fuck him. So was Bill Clinton, he was governor of Arkansas at the time. And the bushes were too, George H.W. Bush was Vice President and he got his family involved too, George W. Bush and Jeb Bush were in this too

2019-10-21 16:31:03 UTC  

They all got away with it. Barry Seal was assassinated by hitmen hired by Pablo Escobar, but he would've gotten away with it too if he didn't get iced by Colombian hitmen

2019-10-21 16:31:40 UTC  

CIA to this day are still niggers about it and insist they dindu nuffin

2019-10-21 16:31:44 UTC  

Lemmie link a few articles

2019-10-21 16:32:04 UTC  

Here's an important highlight

2019-10-21 16:32:11 UTC  

```The respected Arkansas journalist Mara Leveritt recently outlined what appears to be a continuing effort to cover up the Mena affair. Leveritt has written convincing book-length studies of the Memphis Three case and the deaths of teenagers Don Henry and Kevin Ives, the Arkansas “boys on the tracks.” In “Who’s Afraid of Barry Seal?,” in the Arkansas Times, Leveritt wrote that “secrets… are still being carefully kept, especially in Arkansas.” In advance of the recent Tom Cruise movie about Seal, American Made, an official associated with the Arkansas Studies Institute, an affiliate of the University of Arkansas and the Central Arkansas Library—both state institutions—convinced Leveritt to write a book about Mena, as a tie-in to the movie.

Leveritt was reluctant at first, but soon warmed to the task and got to work. The book was to be called, “The Mena File: Barry Seal’s Ties to Drug Lords and U.S. Officials.” Leveritt knew the story well and had researched it earlier, writing about Seal’s murder and other related events. Suddenly, though, the Arkansas State Police were uncooperative. They could locate no files on Seal.```

2019-10-21 16:32:18 UTC  

```How could that be? “I knew the agency had an extensive file on Seal,” Leveritt wrote, “because I’d read it decades earlier, shortly after Seal’s murder. In fact, I still had a letter from the former director advising me, in case I’d planned to make copies, that the file held some 3,000 pages.”

Leveritt had in-depth knowledge of the travails of investigators Duncan and Welch, and state and federal officials, in attempting to get to the truth about Mena. Yet she pressed on with her writing and finished the book. An index was completed and the book was listed in the University of Arkansas Press catalog.

“But I was in for a shock,” Leveritt writes. The book was killed at the last minute.

No convincing explanation was offered for this act of censorship. Officials at the Arkansas Studies Institute suggested their concerns were legal and financial, associated with vetting the book, but Leveritt wasn’t buying it. She was an experienced writer and had prepared for the legal review. No one responded when she asked if “the newly arisen concerns might be political.”```

2019-10-21 16:32:23 UTC  

```In the Arkansas Times article, Leveritt pinned her hopes on the new Cruise movie, which opened in 2017 to good reviews. “Too many secrets have been kept for too long,” she wrote, “too much important history has been hidden, lost or destroyed. Let’s hope that Cruise’s high-powered version of Seal prompts an equally high-powered demand for disclosure of all government records on him, especially after his move to Mena.”

That didn’t happen. We’ll take it from here.

2019-10-21 16:33:25 UTC  

```In November 1996, then-CIA Inspector General Frederick Hitz absolved the CIA of involvement in the operation.

Hitz at the time said that “no evidence has been found to indicate that the CIA or anyone acting on its behalf participated in, or otherwise had knowledge of, any illegal or improper activities in Mena, Arkansas or the area north of Mena known as Nella, Arkansas.”```

2019-10-21 16:33:31 UTC  

```“The CIA has for over 20 years stonewalled the release of information now sought by Judicial Watch on the Mena Airport controversy,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.```

2019-10-21 16:33:33 UTC  


2019-10-21 16:36:24 UTC  

dude lmao

2019-10-21 16:36:46 UTC  

youre the guys whose making threads on /pol/

2019-10-21 16:36:49 UTC  


2019-10-21 16:36:51 UTC  

you saw my bread?

2019-10-21 16:36:56 UTC  


2019-10-21 16:37:07 UTC  

two of them i think

2019-10-21 16:37:10 UTC  


2019-10-21 16:37:13 UTC  

I'm trying to spread the word

2019-10-21 16:37:14 UTC  

fuck glowniggers

2019-10-21 16:37:27 UTC  

i support you bro

2019-10-21 16:37:32 UTC  

fuck em

2019-10-21 16:37:53 UTC  

the CIA also trained Contras in the hills and mountains here too. Fucking wew

2019-10-21 16:38:24 UTC  

but here's another thing, that the movie American Made left out. I know you saw me bitch about it but others here didn't so this is for their sake

2019-10-21 16:43:00 UTC  

This happened a couple counties away from mine, this didn't happen in my community but it was still closeby and it's tied to this. This was in Saline County, and it's known here as "The boys on the tracks". Basically what happened was two teenage boys, Don Henry and Kevin Ivnes, were found lying still on the railroad tracks and the train engineer wasn't able to stop the train in time and ran them over. The mortician who conducted the autopsy said they were stoned out of their minds on marijuana and fell asleep on the railroad tracks. The parents didn't buy this though, and managed to get a second mortician to do it who found evidence of stab wounds and blunt force trauma to the head, showing that it unambiguously was murder. There were a few witnesses to their deaths too, but they all were killed before they could say too much, and all of these murders are unsolved to this day. What most likely happened is Barry Seal, as I said, airdropped his drugs in the forests around here and it'd be picked up by other glowniggers. Don and Kevin were out hunting and were unfortunate enough to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, and were killed for it

2019-10-21 16:43:13 UTC  

also the first mortician was literally appointed by Bill Clinton

2019-10-21 16:44:13 UTC  

Dr. Fahmy Malak

2019-10-21 16:44:16 UTC  

He was the state medical examiner

2019-10-21 16:44:26 UTC  

and he tried to cover it up but the parents didn't buy it

2019-10-21 16:44:39 UTC  

here's an interesting article about all of this that really exposes all of the fuckery going on

2019-10-21 16:45:04 UTC  

here's a few interesting snippets, although the whole article is worth a read too