Message from @ikillu

Discord ID: 597493704412102656

2019-07-07 17:25:15 UTC  

The age of consent in Spain is 16, under a new law which came into effect on 1 July 2015.
Spanish Criminal Code Article 183:
(1). El que realizare actos de carácter sexual con un menor de dieciséis años, será castigado como responsable de abuso sexual a un menor con la pena de prisión de dos a seis años.
Translation: Whoever performs sexual acts with a minor under sixteen years, shall be punished for sexual abuse of a minor with imprisonment of two to six years.

wtf is law? We live in pseudo Anarchy

2019-07-07 17:25:44 UTC  

@Medusa shit, I thought spain was the place in the EU where it was 13 or 14

2019-07-07 17:25:52 UTC  

good god man

2019-07-07 17:26:39 UTC  

filming it as well is Child Porn possession and distribution, i think it was this case they said they did that

2019-07-07 17:27:42 UTC  

having sex with an under 16 is illegal, unless she's too drunk to fight back

2019-07-07 17:28:08 UTC  

oh ok I get it now

2019-07-07 17:31:30 UTC  

You have to wonder why it was brought to trial at all if it was something she'd wanted. I know #believewomen but I just find it unlikely any 14 girl would want to go to an abandoned factory with a bunch of sand niggers

2019-07-07 17:45:08 UTC  

the best is a few of these illegal immigrant rapists have said, she was wet and wanted it, her body wanted it! she was all wet

2019-07-07 17:48:15 UTC  

Idiots, that's total admission of guilt, or not apparently

2019-07-07 17:55:38 UTC  

I need to stretch before I try this mental gymnastics

2019-07-07 18:08:52 UTC  

its not too complicated, just be a migrant from a third world country with muh PTSD and do anything you like with impunity

2019-07-07 18:10:10 UTC  

I'm 18! Meanwhile they're like 33yrs old too

2019-07-07 18:16:04 UTC  

Tom will defend this

2019-07-07 18:18:18 UTC  

we should clear the chat before we are beaten by his superior logic

2019-07-07 18:24:01 UTC  

new democracy party with clear lead in greek elections, the communist cunt party of Syriza & Tsipras are on their way out, majority of seats for ND too, won't need to form coalition

2019-07-07 18:24:13 UTC  

this is good news, even though they should have won by a higher margin considering

2019-07-07 18:25:03 UTC  

Golden Dawn fucked up, looks like they'll have no seats

2019-07-07 18:26:09 UTC  

ur party names sound like world of warcraft guilds

2019-07-07 18:26:24 UTC  

>fucked up

2019-07-07 18:26:40 UTC  

oh god, you shat up general, now you come to serious to shit it up too?

2019-07-07 18:26:40 UTC  

like in the same way Afd havnt been allowed to run for seats

2019-07-07 18:26:59 UTC  

yh Im muting u baby

2019-07-07 18:27:19 UTC  

it's ok, New Democracy is a conservative party, the communist cunts in Syriza lost, so we're good

2019-07-07 18:27:19 UTC  

im an anarchist part of being serious is making fun of how stupid democracy is

2019-07-07 18:27:35 UTC  

nah sorry that doesnt cut it

2019-07-07 18:38:45 UTC  


2019-07-07 18:39:31 UTC  

I didnt say that

2019-07-07 18:39:49 UTC  

jungle dingo did

2019-07-07 18:40:03 UTC  

I mean none of these men was mentally ill

2019-07-07 18:40:04 UTC  


2019-07-07 18:41:49 UTC  

Hopefully she doesn't end up physically ill with some STD

2019-07-07 18:42:05 UTC  

wym they acted on it?

2019-07-07 18:42:07 UTC  

it wasn't rape

2019-07-07 18:42:22 UTC  

so it wasn't a disturbance in normal everyday function

2019-07-07 18:42:24 UTC  


2019-07-07 18:42:58 UTC  

If they are innocent, then so is bill cosby right, just drug em and fuck em, not rape right?

2019-07-07 18:43:09 UTC  

yeah I mean

2019-07-07 18:43:12 UTC  

the court of law decided

2019-07-07 18:43:14 UTC  

who are you to oppose

2019-07-07 18:43:15 UTC  

those men