Message from @ikillu

Discord ID: 619459694968438785

2019-09-06 08:57:20 UTC

2019-09-06 08:57:21 UTC  

How in the actual fuck did chavez get into power

2019-09-06 08:57:24 UTC  


2019-09-06 08:57:28 UTC  

its like from human to ape

2019-09-06 08:57:37 UTC  


2019-09-06 08:57:51 UTC  

How the fuck

2019-09-06 08:58:06 UTC  

I blame the colombian inmigrants tbh

2019-09-06 08:58:12 UTC  

jesus christ man, but that pic I posted, first thing I noticed, everyone in audience looks ok, dressed ok, proper, chavez looks like savage in leather jacket and that big head those facial features lol

2019-09-06 08:58:27 UTC  

This one was pretty good

2019-09-06 09:03:12 UTC  

yea man it sucks the most well of country in south america became the poorest, damn shame

2019-09-06 09:04:04 UTC  

the best is when that socialist scumbag was running in Greece, Tsipras, he was promoting chavez and socialism

2019-09-06 09:05:00 UTC  

@ikillu Dude we had coups every other day

2019-09-06 09:05:40 UTC  

The only reason all these socialist coutries are a thing is because the US and europe support them and all these fucking retardes onus keep fucking everything up

2019-09-06 09:07:06 UTC  

dude, if bernie, warren or harris win in 2020, the US would turn to a shithole in 15-20yrs in all major cities, just a few pockets of normalcy would remain

2019-09-06 09:07:33 UTC  

@ikillu (((Guaido))) <:wheeze:543624199764312064>

2019-09-06 09:07:40 UTC  

you fools, you have damned us all

2019-09-06 09:08:04 UTC  


2019-09-06 09:08:10 UTC  

Maybe then they will be unable to support all other socialist shitholes

2019-09-06 09:11:40 UTC  

you know what's sick, socialism would work and would have a bit in venezuela if there wasn't rampant corruption with chavez

2019-09-06 09:12:58 UTC  

@ikillu There are goverment markets that are full with imported american products

2019-09-06 09:13:28 UTC  

Stop fucking selling shit to socialist dictatorships

2019-09-06 09:13:29 UTC  


2019-09-06 09:15:41 UTC  


2019-09-06 09:18:32 UTC  

@ikillu The salary is now below 2$

2019-09-06 09:25:03 UTC  


2019-09-06 13:07:40 UTC  

@Udyr Shit Post God I'm reporting you for criticizing the state prepare to be executed

2019-09-06 14:54:18 UTC  


2019-09-06 15:05:00 UTC  

did he die

2019-09-06 19:52:50 UTC  

dam son

2019-09-06 19:53:21 UTC  

Now there's a headline, great reporting Tim

2019-09-06 19:55:00 UTC  

It's probably unrelated, just part and parcel of living in Sweden now

2019-09-06 20:01:04 UTC

2019-09-06 20:02:59 UTC  


2019-09-06 20:16:38 UTC  

and then people think your nuts if you say the jews work together plotting against you

2019-09-06 23:20:43 UTC  

I mean I'd rather have jews in control than islam

2019-09-06 23:20:56 UTC  

Preferably neither though

2019-09-06 23:48:14 UTC  

(((I mean I'd rather have jews in control than islam)))