Message from @SonicAF

Discord ID: 621240889557254154

2019-09-11 07:03:49 UTC  

It is. How is related?

2019-09-11 07:04:03 UTC  

You get physical training

2019-09-11 07:04:15 UTC  

More commonly, they steal bycicles and sometimes rob students. The former is overlooked, the latter is a big deal and cops make their life hell. So it happens every 5 years or smth like that.

2019-09-11 07:04:15 UTC  

which ones are irradiated

2019-09-11 07:04:29 UTC

2019-09-11 07:04:49 UTC  

> You get physical training
You get grass- and snow-painting training.

2019-09-11 07:05:56 UTC  

Seriously. You literally paint grass green and snow white. Oh, and you make sand look cool.

2019-09-11 07:06:26 UTC  

sound slike hollywood

2019-09-11 07:06:30 UTC  

Sounds retarded

2019-09-11 07:06:31 UTC

2019-09-11 07:06:52 UTC  

who does this

2019-09-11 07:07:07 UTC  

in such a straight line

2019-09-11 07:07:35 UTC  

with such a shitty building in the background

2019-09-11 07:07:45 UTC  

That sounds like a waste of money

2019-09-11 07:08:09 UTC  

Can't find the sand photo, but I witnessed it firsthand when I visited my friend.

2019-09-11 07:08:28 UTC  

@Udyr Shit Post God where you from

2019-09-11 07:08:30 UTC  

This is an absolutely straigt line of sand with 45 degree stripes.

2019-09-11 07:08:50 UTC  

It's so straight, it's basically gay.

2019-09-11 07:09:02 UTC  

Aren't you given free food in the military

2019-09-11 07:09:22 UTC  

what kind of shitty military doesn feed its troops

2019-09-11 07:09:30 UTC  

It's nutritious, but it tastes like ass. So chocolate is treasure.

2019-09-11 07:09:44 UTC  


2019-09-11 07:10:38 UTC  

Again, the troops are fed. Occasionally, when someone fucks it up, they give too little time to eat, so the entire squad basically skips the meal.

2019-09-11 07:11:02 UTC  

So they shove gingerbreads in their pockets, which is a no-no.

2019-09-11 07:11:23 UTC  


2019-09-11 07:11:29 UTC  


2019-09-11 07:11:37 UTC  

And if some sergeant notices gingerbreads in your pockets, there is a good chance that you are gonna be forced to eat it with a toothpaste.

2019-09-11 07:12:06 UTC  

To quote my friend "I don't care, I ate it".

2019-09-11 07:12:34 UTC  

there is no need for that

2019-09-11 07:12:42 UTC  

you aren't at war even

2019-09-11 07:13:13 UTC  

who is making these decisions

2019-09-11 07:13:15 UTC  

The entire point is to keep everyone "entertained". So they draw stripes on the sand.

2019-09-11 07:13:45 UTC  

This was the first half of his service. The second one was more serious.

2019-09-11 07:14:00 UTC  

non-stop anal sex

2019-09-11 07:14:31 UTC  

Close. Recycling old explosives.

2019-09-11 07:15:20 UTC  

i am interested

2019-09-11 07:15:25 UTC  

Carrying heavy stuff for 16-18 hours a day. But it was his choice.

2019-09-11 07:15:40 UTC  

He asked for a transfer to avoid drawing lines on the sand.

2019-09-11 07:16:17 UTC  

Also, 6 people died doing so during his 6 months of service. In another squad.

2019-09-11 07:16:41 UTC  

that could be one incident

2019-09-11 07:17:29 UTC  

It obviously was. Six 18yo people dying for virtually no reason was a big deal, even in Russia.