Message from @AFCKaneda
Discord ID: 566898404395843600
what shape is an air bubble in water and why?
NASA can't even lie right
How does a plane make it to it's destination if the Earth is spinning 1000 mph when the plane goes 500 too 600 mph?
Of course if the plane is going against the spinning
You have to be trolling, there's no way you're this stupid.
Amazing! You changed my mind!
Air in the upper atmosphere is too thin for jet engines to properly operate in order to propel it into "outer space"... also, this thing called gravity.
Astophysicist vs a flat Earther is like a climate scientists vs gobal warning denier. You got to follow facts not pseudoscience.
Wow did Jesse Lee Peterson just said you cant be right about science if you are not a scientist?!?!?
He must believe in evolution and global warming then I guess.
There's a lot black flat Earthers
I'm Hispanic
Flat Earth is not white lol
takes flying around the world to the next level doesnt it 😛
does flat earth not have a force that pulls to surface such as gravity?
please stop the flat earth stuff
as usual have fun 😉