Message from @Belagern
Discord ID: 277831562421075969
YOU belongs to Muslims dude
Its lost.
Alright, listen up. If you're over your new-guy shivers, join us in voice.
USA belongs to the jews
@Steven m8
No difference
I would rather fight muslims than kikes
it used to
these really are newfags
muslims dont cause market crashes
Muslims are worse than kikes
uhh I need to go
>used to
Both are terrible.
K e k
anyone who steals 30% of a nation overnight = KITE
@「sin」 Trump is a white nationalist
I live in muslim region and know what muslims are worse
get out of here with your bs
Trump is a Jewish puppet 👌👌👌
t. shill
I hope he isn't
And that he's playing them too
One of us went to one of his rallies
>White nationalist
I have a jewish friend and he is a russian nationalist
That's very funny
Like ommitting muh 6 gorilliam from the statement on holohoax day
Not even Soros would blow the resources he has been on trying to make people revolt against Trump if he was a puppet
talked about the (((refugee crisis))) with him and he asked our anon how he knew about that shit
not even kidding