Message from @Adderall Admiral52
Discord ID: 588378452655079424
he ended up being something like that
he used to dose his followers with lsd and act out scenes from the bible as if he was jesus to them
Sounds like my highschool prom
i accidently took drugs into the prom we had
it was scary 0_0
cops were at each door i was paranoid trying to find a way out ended up flushing it
some sewer gators were chilled out on alprazolam that night
used to be in a heavy fallen state back then tho
Could you imagine being a sewer gator just chillin one night, you go to get a drink of water, and then you get high
get sleepy and sedated lol
There's a Ramones song about that
0_0 wuut
xD i thought u meant about gators getting sedated
There needs to be one about sedating gators
steve irwin rip
That one hit me deep
Gotta pour one out
he never used tranqs on gators
He may have on crocs
Crocs are dicks
they crocs
not all not all not all
Not all not all but most crocs are dicks
shitty stingrays had to go n kill the legend
On his Kid's birthday, of all days
didnt know that one
the sting rays had it planned out
He was filming a birthday video. Idk if it was on the birthday or near it
Definitely a planned hit on Steve Irwin
Did the live chat get disabled on the youtube livestream?
Can’t wait till next month, it just feels so white.
I’ll be at the pools just monkeying around.
Working on my beach body. Not.
Beethoven symphony no. 9, 4th movement is one of the most beautiful pieces of music created, change my mind
de best
"Wem der grosse Werf gelungen, eines Freundes freund zu sein"