Message from @Fudged World
Discord ID: 608010379255087125
I did it myself
I don't have any roles yet
<:ama:538378494565154818> <:zin:538378494158176277>
Hello boys
How do we reconcilliate the Biblical timeline and creation with the existence of dinosaur fossils?
dinosaurs are fake
just like the moon landing
look into it
How are they fake?
didnt happen
how come we havent been back to the moon?
but we did it with old technology
Im asking where youre going and youre telling me where youve been
Im asking about dinosaurs
How come they didnt exist when we find fossils buried across the globe?
lol the bible talks about a sea dragon man
youtube dinosaurs
I believe in miracles
so what is wrong
you sexy thing
Woah calm down dude
Y'all think the dinos are a myth?
Hit and myth
Anybody dares to explain to me how dinosaurs go in hand with the Bible?
laser swords
@thot destroyer bruh too hard to go back to the moon. we dont have the tech they said xD
@Vlad S isnt it "i ask him where he been and he tell me where he goin?"
I switched it up
welcome to the server
everyone is having an UHMAYZIN day yeh?
Yes sir
Feels good being a man