Message from @Vlad S
Discord ID: 608044736816742521
Asking due to picture
im the white jesse lee
@TheSatireGames You want to do my counseling session instead of Jesse?
lol i could xD
but youll enjoy talking wit jesse
Hopefully it's the best money I have ever spent
how much was it again?
for how long?
How long?
1 hour
Money well spent
Did you forgive mama?
dang black man makin bank
I'ma lift up some holy hands just in case
Did you forgive your mama?
How is it being white Jesse?
it's being uhmayzin!
all this white supremacy hoo haaa aint gonna solve anything... some ppl just shouldnt have guns. eos
all this racism hoo haa causes more hatred
hoop n an hollin
Man Tim pool is stoopid
I'm at work blasting glass candy through the whole factory....
He acts like he doesn't know what the problem is. The problem isn't the dems it's the media
glass candy legit
well if its the media then isnt it who controls the media and how things get written and broadcasted?
ppl can own news companies
bernays wrote plenty about this
tim pool is just another youtuber
That's what I'm saying, they hire a bunch activist and let them run free,