Message from @thot destroyer
Discord ID: 608068289167491083
uknow what
if u ever get into an agrument with a cop or a street thug
just tell them they are an angry woman
need to find god and forgive mama
it will piss them off if u stay calm
why you so angry
i bet your mamas angry like u
they cant combat that mental jujitsu
think about it
what can they say?
doubt all thots
are you a sluuuuuuut
would u fuck amber rose
i bet she has herpes and more
lol no
i think her name is new york?
it was a great episode
New York cheesecake yummm
not better than my cheesecake
I've fallen behind on the fallen state
the newer episodes are ok nothing great just tellin betas how cows eat cabbage n what not
whats the best jlp interview
im bored
It's either Amber Rose or the beta guy with glasses
amber is fine
would u hit it
Sleep with her out of wedlock?
Its my duty to?
To wear a virginity ring till marriage.
amber is far from fine xD
Photoshop says dif
shes cute