Message from @Mystery Lady

Discord ID: 609818791269892117

2019-08-10 18:34:16 UTC  

but atthe same time, they fucking called it

2019-08-10 18:34:24 UTC  

i thionk they are one of the sites snopes actually tries to fact check 😂

2019-08-10 18:34:31 UTC  


2019-08-10 18:35:51 UTC  

So is Bill Clinton supposed to be in Ireland too?

2019-08-10 18:36:30 UTC  

lol they can't get the blood transfusions anymore, so now they are seeing if guinnes works as a substitute 😛

2019-08-10 18:37:16 UTC  

they're all going to die of withdrawals

2019-08-10 18:37:46 UTC  

or just age and decrepitude

2019-08-10 18:38:13 UTC  

they should have been dead already if it weren't for atrificial means keeping them upright

2019-08-10 18:38:34 UTC  

how long does Kuru take to kill the body?

2019-08-10 18:38:40 UTC  

i hope hillary keeps talking publically and the symptoms become undeniable

2019-08-10 18:38:54 UTC  

kuku mostly kills the brain

2019-08-10 18:39:04 UTC  

right... you need the brain to live

2019-08-10 18:39:05 UTC  

and it takes a lifetime

2019-08-10 18:39:27 UTC  

the people who get it in the jungle grow up with the practice of eating the brains of the dead

2019-08-10 18:39:55 UTC  

personally i don't think that's what's going on

2019-08-10 18:40:07 UTC  

you don't think Hillary has Kuru?

2019-08-10 18:40:08 UTC  

I do

2019-08-10 18:40:21 UTC  

i think they are suppressing diseases and extending their lifespan with bloodtransfusions from children

2019-08-10 18:40:59 UTC  

and hillary just has a bad case of parkingsons or something

2019-08-10 18:41:35 UTC  

limited to normal medical care she would have been dead already

2019-08-10 18:42:09 UTC  

so hillary is does a lot of things but she draws the line at eating brains? lol

2019-08-10 18:42:30 UTC  

prolly not, but i don't think they do it enough to cause kuru

2019-08-10 18:42:44 UTC  

and if they did, i'd expect to see symptoms in a bunch of them

2019-08-10 18:42:48 UTC  

It only takes one time

2019-08-10 18:42:59 UTC  


2019-08-10 18:42:59 UTC  

nah, it takes decades

2019-08-10 18:43:11 UTC  

it;s not like a virus

2019-08-10 18:43:23 UTC  

more like drug abuse i think

2019-08-10 18:43:44 UTC  

I thought once you eat the brian of an infected person you start to develop they symptoms

2019-08-10 18:43:45 UTC  

in fact a kuru brain looks a lot like the one of a meth junkie

2019-08-10 18:43:59 UTC  

.. regardless.. I was making a joke

2019-08-10 18:44:09 UTC  

nah, like i said the tribes that are know for it ritually eat the brains of all their dead

2019-08-10 18:44:44 UTC  

there's a couple of these stories that kinda irritate me

2019-08-10 18:44:44 UTC  

I definitely think it's more than parkinsons thought

2019-08-10 18:44:50 UTC  

adrenochrome is another one

2019-08-10 18:45:09 UTC  

for all we know she has been snorting her brains out

2019-08-10 18:45:09 UTC  

what about that?

2019-08-10 18:45:27 UTC  

i think hunter s thompson invented the idea of it being used recreationally

2019-08-10 18:46:01 UTC  

bill clinton does look very much to me like an advanced cocaine addict

2019-08-10 18:46:10 UTC  

like the way he is loosing weight

2019-08-10 18:47:20 UTC  

I am not sure I've seen any recent pictures of him