Message from @Mudamaid 22

Discord ID: 634465231577546782

2019-10-17 18:47:15 UTC  

**Mr.Black**, 2 uses left.

2019-10-17 18:47:15 UTC  

2019-10-17 18:47:15 UTC  


2019-10-17 18:47:16 UTC  


2019-10-17 18:47:17 UTC  

2019-10-17 18:47:17 UTC  

2019-10-17 18:47:26 UTC  

💖 **Mr.Black** and **Ruru Amour** are now married! 💖

2019-10-17 18:47:32 UTC  

Ruru Amour

2019-10-17 18:47:32 UTC  

2019-10-17 18:47:48 UTC  

Ruru Amour

2019-10-17 18:47:48 UTC  

**Mr.Black**, Do you confirm the divorce? (y/n)
Characters divorced by $divorce are also removed from the $restorelist (+**83**<:kakera:469835869059153940>if you confirm)

2019-10-17 18:47:49 UTC  


2019-10-17 18:47:49 UTC  

💔 **Ruru Amour** and **Mr.Black** are now divorced. 💔 (+**83**<:kakera:469835869059153940>)

2019-10-17 18:48:01 UTC  


2019-10-17 18:48:01 UTC  

**+155**<:kakera:469835869059153940>added to your kakera collection! (**4110** total)

2019-10-17 18:48:04 UTC  


2019-10-17 18:48:04 UTC  

2019-10-17 18:57:49 UTC  


2019-10-17 18:57:49 UTC  

2019-10-17 18:58:18 UTC  


2019-10-17 18:58:19 UTC  

Do you really want to melt those kakera into a power badge? (y/n)

2019-10-17 18:58:20 UTC  


2019-10-17 18:58:20 UTC  

🌟 You just reached <:GoldII:605042918398492685> **GOLD II**

2019-10-17 18:58:26 UTC  


2019-10-17 18:58:32 UTC  


2019-10-17 18:58:32 UTC  

2019-10-17 18:58:51 UTC  


2019-10-17 18:58:51 UTC  

2019-10-17 18:59:05 UTC  


2019-10-17 18:59:06 UTC  

2019-10-17 18:59:22 UTC  


2019-10-17 18:59:22 UTC  

2019-10-17 18:59:29 UTC  


2019-10-17 18:59:29 UTC  

2019-10-17 18:59:33 UTC  


2019-10-17 18:59:33 UTC  

2019-10-17 18:59:36 UTC  


2019-10-17 18:59:36 UTC  

Syntax: $disable <Series>
For multiple series, separate them by a $
To remove a series from your $disablelist, use $enable <Series> or $enableall
Use $disabledel ($dd) to autodelete your $disable message

2019-10-17 18:59:37 UTC  


2019-10-17 18:59:37 UTC  

2019-10-17 18:59:39 UTC  
