Message from @fzeroppy

Discord ID: 735953017832079380

2020-07-23 18:49:08 UTC  

And you're an uneducated twat, touche

2020-07-23 18:49:09 UTC  

What a baby cuck.

2020-07-23 19:48:09 UTC  
2020-07-23 19:48:21 UTC  

Please, *gestures forward* lol

2020-07-23 19:48:30 UTC  


2020-07-23 19:48:47 UTC  

I caught you typing something, really wanted to know what you had to say lol

2020-07-23 19:50:08 UTC  

Oh, it wasn't on what you both were talking about. I haven't read through it yet. I was going to post a video but it ended up not being what I thought.

2020-07-23 19:50:19 UTC  

Ah okay lol

2020-07-23 19:52:53 UTC  

But seriously, for those haters of the UK, please, I'll give you a pointer, the UK consists of 4 nations, Scotland, England, Ireland and Wales.

Please read about the Scottish wars of independence, and make your own decision as to whether Scotland really wanted to be a part of all the invasions or not, Scotland were doing alright on their own before the English invaded our country, in terms, you could say we were the first to be invaded by "Great Britain/the UK" whatever you call us, but remember, Scottish people are not British, we ARE Scottish

2020-07-23 19:57:10 UTC  

I'd just like to make it known that the Scottish would've never have been a part of the invasions of other countries if this didn't happen, but the English wanted our land, and eventually, they got it

2020-07-23 19:59:07 UTC  

Sure, okay, we were the first ones to start up the slave trade, but that was hundreds of years after this, but may he who has not sinned throw the first stone, if you kill a murderer, there are still the same amount of murderers on this planet.. don't know if I recited that one correctly, but you get what I mean

2020-07-23 20:07:10 UTC  

And people still claim it was America that started slaving... lol, but I'd like to make it known, blatant racism like that barely exists within Scotland now, it's actually more prevalent in England than anywhere else, being persecuted purely for the color of your skin is completely unacceptable here, and yes, just like anywhere else, a large majority of Scots are very uneducated as to why immigrations a problem, a large majority think it's because "They're stealing our jobs", and my personal viewpoint on that, well, are you qualified to do it?.. no, didn't think so, they work honest jobs within our police, military, health services and other industries within our countries, and all of them pay their dues toward our economy, which I have absolutely no issue with, if you ask me, I'd adopt Americas policy there, of not allowed to migrate unless there's secured work in the country for them before they come, and as for all the chronically unemployed Scottish people, I'd put them to work, Gulag style, you can argue all day that it's inhumane, but would you slave all day to give a majority of your earnings to keep a lazy bastard alive? no, I seriously doubt any of you would, and I understand that, but please, do your research here and you'll see why I'm saying this, over the last decade, our education facilities have been suffering the affects of cuts on public spending toward it, and other types of education, as well as police and our health services, and guess what, Scotland didn't make those shots, it was Parliament, in England, can you tell me, has there been one single prime minister that was Scottish that's had the UK's or the Scottish's welfare in mind? no, Margaret Thatcher, that's a name never to be spoken here... I know.... but seriously, have a look into the "House of lords" and other parts within Parliament and you'll see for yourself that they're in it purely for their own gain 90% of the time

2020-07-23 20:10:51 UTC  

That about says it all there

2020-07-23 20:11:48 UTC  

These are very rich and powerful people, if you ask me, the UK is no longer a democracy, it's a blatant dictatorship where if you don't hold the current values of Parliament, you don't get in power, simple as

2020-07-23 20:13:18 UTC  

And have a look at the talks they have in there, and then find a group of 8-12 year old debating what to do, and note the similarities, you see, Scotland takes no blame here, we're merely the bystanders witnessing it all and powerless to do anything about it, because we're largely disarmed, or I can guarantee you, it wouldn't be "terrorists" trying to kill people in Parliament, it'd have been a civil war...

2020-07-23 20:14:09 UTC  

stop typing so much text no one will read it

2020-07-23 20:14:25 UTC  

Well if you don't read, how are you ever expected to learn?

2020-07-23 20:14:30 UTC  

i dont

2020-07-23 20:14:32 UTC  

politics is gay

2020-07-23 20:14:34 UTC  

I see

2020-07-23 20:14:50 UTC  

*motions shooting myself in the mouth*

2020-07-23 20:15:02 UTC  

*unzips cock*

2020-07-23 20:15:09 UTC  

*slow clap*

2020-07-23 20:15:49 UTC  

*motions shooting myself in the mouth*

2020-07-23 20:16:09 UTC  

it's sad the UK is disarmed or I'd have put myself out of my misery a while ago

2020-07-23 20:16:40 UTC  

Rather be dead than alive with a full 3 generations of morons with learning difficulties

2020-07-23 20:17:13 UTC  

no excuses

2020-07-23 20:17:17 UTC  

do it or you're a pussy

2020-07-23 20:17:42 UTC  

You know the licenses you need to get those, I'd never pass the assessments for them due to past mental health... lol

2020-07-23 20:18:02 UTC  

I couldn't even join the army because of it

2020-07-23 20:18:04 UTC  

section 1 covers no license antique firearms

2020-07-23 20:19:08 UTC  

That's really old

2020-07-23 20:19:25 UTC  

The laws have changed a good bit, you even need a license for air guns now

2020-07-23 20:19:34 UTC  

Like single shot lead pellet guns...

2020-07-23 20:20:25 UTC  

over a certain fps

2020-07-23 20:21:38 UTC  

it's hard to find them though, you need to do a form with your local police to get an air gun, and they could never kill without a very lucky shot lol

2020-07-23 20:22:00 UTC  

it's hard enough to kill someone with a .22 from a distance lol

2020-07-23 20:23:15 UTC  

I've saw a guy take like 6 shots from one of those fuckers and still be moving about

2020-07-23 20:25:22 UTC  

But my views on the world have changed a bit since then, I don't want to just die lol, I'm taking as many of you stupid fucks with me as possible lol