Message from @RandomDiscordAccount

Discord ID: 738258647666262076

2020-07-30 04:42:27 UTC  

isnt this already something addressed solely through software development?

2020-07-30 04:42:34 UTC  

Your cell networks don't just hand out usernames and passwords and make the local cell towers visible to everyone

2020-07-30 04:42:37 UTC  

it's impossible to address

2020-07-30 04:42:58 UTC  

you can give phones the ability to discriminate based off of usage rather than area

2020-07-30 04:43:02 UTC  

can you not?

2020-07-30 04:43:28 UTC  

That's a massive issue, makes the cell network vulnerable to wire tapping

2020-07-30 04:43:54 UTC  

That's highly illegal, even the police need special permission to do that

2020-07-30 04:43:55 UTC  

Just like a wifi access point

2020-07-30 04:44:33 UTC  

either way, seems like something that isnt limited by an inability for the existing hardware

2020-07-30 04:45:26 UTC  

I totally agree yes, but for data protection sake, it isn't feasible in a metropolitan area

2020-07-30 04:46:09 UTC  

ill take it for granted then. Still, ill like to see more evidence on the effects of 5g on ecology and long term general health before we implement it nationwide.

2020-07-30 04:46:10 UTC  

that'd open the doors for all kinds of criminal activity

2020-07-30 04:47:20 UTC  

imagine you could take down an entire areas cell network, rob a bank, no ones called the cops because your bog standard phones in all businesses now are voice over IP, you'd have a much longer time frame to get in and out

2020-07-30 04:48:31 UTC  

tbh this seems to be somewhat of a nonproblem compared to the general ecological effects

2020-07-30 04:48:35 UTC  

You wanna kill somebody, follow them for a while, meet them outside in a dark alley, kill them, the cell networks down, no ones calling the cops

2020-07-30 04:50:00 UTC  

Fair play, but if you ask me, I'm much more concerned about human safety, not the bees.... if we stopped the stupidity and fighting, we could redirect those resources and focus on exploration in space, hell, we could even give the bees their own "M class planet" to breed and bring them back to earth on a need to basis....

2020-07-30 04:51:27 UTC  

ftl isnt a practical investment due to the laws of physics and cross planetary trade isnt either

2020-07-30 04:51:53 UTC  

i feel like 5g would be more likely to be used for increased porn consumption then space travel

2020-07-30 04:53:30 UTC  

ultimately the importance of bees and birds due to their effects on carbon sinks like forests, plains and so on is huge

2020-07-30 04:54:21 UTC  

True, true... but that's the way we're teaching our kids right, "don't bother thinking, just look pretty and someone else will do it for you!", lets put it this way, your great grandad who worked at some technology firm would've been pissing himself laughing at you, not with you, if you told him that in the future, there would be a special brick you could send a message with that'd instantly reach your friend in Australia... everythings impossible until someone does it

2020-07-30 04:56:17 UTC  

Nikola Tesla predicted smart phones and the like based on their understanding of physics. FTL isnt something that's feasible based on our understanding of physics unless negative mass exists. And even then we'll need an amount of it that would have the same mass as Jupiter to do anything with it.

2020-07-30 04:57:04 UTC  

Yeah but everyone was pissing themselves laughing at tesla at the fact energy could be wirelessly transferred too...

2020-07-30 04:57:39 UTC  

Now look, wireless charging man! lol

2020-07-30 04:58:01 UTC  

actually, most people agreed with Nikola Tesla on charging wirelessly

2020-07-30 04:58:20 UTC  

With the advancement of AI, I think it's much more within our sights than anyone can imagine, but... "Don't bring 'sentient' machines, they'll destroy the planet"

2020-07-30 04:58:26 UTC  

it lead to a capital sink that caused him to miss the value in using it for communications instead.

2020-07-30 04:59:13 UTC  

and the difference between the wireless charging of Tesla versus now is the distances that were being proposed

2020-07-30 04:59:33 UTC  

Tesla thought that we would charge electric planes flying high in the sky

2020-07-30 04:59:33 UTC  

ffs, we have a more or less accurate solar system emulator now...

2020-07-30 05:00:11 UTC  

Concentrated energy.. huh

2020-07-30 05:00:12 UTC  

Again, I don't think that's too far in the future either..

2020-07-30 05:01:17 UTC  

it probably wont ever become practical simply because storing energy is more efficient than transferring it through a medium like air

2020-07-30 05:02:06 UTC  

I get that yeah, but who knows, if we focus on making these 'sentient' machines think about problems like that we might see it sooner than later

2020-07-30 05:02:38 UTC  

hmmm... maybe

2020-07-30 05:03:25 UTC  

like come on, ffs, there's nothing scary about anything without arms or legs and/or the ability to explode... lol

2020-07-30 05:04:09 UTC  

mismanaged artificial general intelligence is scary

2020-07-30 05:04:53 UTC  

I like to think of it like a child, if you bring it up to be violent, it'll be violent, if you bring it up to think, it'll think, if you bring it up to love, it'll love..

2020-07-30 05:06:00 UTC  

these are two good videos on ai

2020-07-30 05:06:06 UTC  

I can guarantee you, hansen robotics sophia was many years in trial on error for it to be presentable, just like a child would..

2020-07-30 05:06:15 UTC  

Issac Arthur is great at this type of thing