Message from @NotJesus

Discord ID: 738279469017464903

2020-07-30 05:37:03 UTC  

step one could contain much more than that to solve that problem, that's the artificial neurons that would contain that data in what's kinda like a multi dimensional array

2020-07-30 05:39:13 UTC  

Like maybe say, do I have a thermometer? yes, place thermometer on plate, what temperature does thermometer report?, is plate hot? is plate cold?, or No, I do not have thermometer... there's a whole world of possibilities with neural networks, but they all need to be given instructions, and a data set to work with

2020-07-30 05:40:18 UTC  

Just like a human I guess, how would a human ever know what a thermometer does without reading about it, or another human explaining it to them, the learning process.. lol

2020-07-30 05:40:58 UTC  

That's why I find all these AI will destroy the world arguments stupid, I'm sorry, if terrorists didn't have arms and legs... they're of no threat to anybody, even if they do say they're going to blow you up

2020-07-30 05:43:19 UTC  

But your bog standard cpu and gpu can't think like that, they have to follow it step by step, so there's problems that a cpu would take much longer to solve in terms of processing time than a neural network would

2020-07-30 05:45:52 UTC  

A program running on a standard computer, couldn't "keep it in mind", say a futuristic example, a personal helper robot, tasked with safety and housekeeping, if a normal CPU was tasked with this and it was preoccupied with doing the washing, really badly.. I might say.. it probably wouldn't notice the man breaking in through the window until the washing is complete... lol

2020-07-30 05:52:16 UTC  

But the goal with AI is to make it learn, because what makes something intelligent, it's ability to learn and retain information.. why artificial neurons seems the way to go

2020-07-30 05:52:59 UTC  

Step by step just doesn't work with the learning process

2020-07-30 05:54:25 UTC  

There's always something that's going to have to be kept in mind so to speak when doing tasks that require a level of thought even if not directly related to the task at hand

2020-07-30 05:58:39 UTC  

Another example, a programmer programming... is there electricity in the meter (kinda obvious prerequisite even if not directly related to task), am I hungry (definitely a prerequisite), am I thirsty, what do I have to do today other than programming, is my house safe.. then whatevers happening on my computer, who's talking to me right now (not to be an antisocial), my computers running slowly, what tasks can I kill, what do I need to open in order for me to start programming, is my internet bill paid... a step by step program would fail miserably trying to "think" about all this at the same time

2020-07-30 06:00:17 UTC  

and off of all of those things, there's a whole new tree of questions to be asked.. that's where your artificial neurons would come into play to manage this style of processing information

2020-07-30 06:02:26 UTC  

But none of it would be violent... unless, who do I have to kill today, why do I have to kill this individual, what do I have to destroy today, why do I have to destroy it... it's just stupid to think a machine, even AI could think like that, it could only think like that if it was told to think like that

2020-07-30 06:03:03 UTC  

And god forbid it has arms and legs if it's thinking like that...

2020-07-30 06:04:21 UTC  

remember getting told "show your working" in school all the time... yeah... that's why.... lol

2020-07-30 06:07:58 UTC  

Lucky for us, computers and machines are overly honest... and can't lie... unless told to lie of course.. lol

2020-07-30 06:11:06 UTC  
2020-07-30 06:13:41 UTC

2020-07-30 06:14:00 UTC

2020-07-30 06:14:14 UTC  

Just saying....

2020-07-30 06:14:53 UTC  

More than one way to skin the hypothetical cat when it comes to that...

2020-07-30 06:19:01 UTC  

I'll watch the video.... but I feel like I'm watching some cowboy movie...

2020-07-30 06:19:38 UTC  

I hate the way this guy talks.. I'm already having aneurysms with a couple points this guys tried to make

2020-07-30 06:20:44 UTC  

"er" != "oh"

2020-07-30 06:21:51 UTC  


2020-07-30 06:21:52 UTC  


2020-07-30 06:25:21 UTC  

I'm getting brain damage

2020-07-30 06:27:55 UTC  

Alright, lets just start now with a rather inhumane sounding situation, if I had a child, and stuck it in a room, and made it learn about all the sciences, but restricted it's access to information such as violence and weaponary, you'd never know they existed or how to operate a violent action.... this is a different level of stupid

2020-07-30 06:28:07 UTC  

Which is all very possible to do with a machine learning system

2020-07-30 06:30:52 UTC  


2020-07-30 06:35:42 UTC  

I really don't know how to explain this to you guys that these videos are nothing but uneducated paranoia

2020-07-30 06:36:37 UTC  

A degree in phsyics and biophysics does not equal a degree in computer science....

2020-07-30 06:37:51 UTC  

Electronic engineers brought us computers, physicists brought us the basic building blocks for electronic engineers to work with...

2020-07-30 06:38:12 UTC  

still != a degree in computer science....

2020-07-30 06:42:53 UTC  

Okay... I'll give you the fantasy or a machine rebellion by superhuman intelligence... but there's a catch, there's a "heart" within the machine, the super AI can't run without this heart and if there's an attempt to modify this heart, the machine gets shut down and destroyed.. if a machine initiates a violent action, it's "heart" gets activated, and the machine gets destroyed.... there's really no question about this subject...

2020-07-30 06:43:40 UTC  

You can't just deactivate a terrorist in that fashion, no matter how organised...

2020-07-30 06:44:32 UTC  

i feel like youre arguing against a fantasy point that isnt even being made...

2020-07-30 06:45:32 UTC  

"uneducated" bro, the dude does conferences with programmers and other academic fields all the time

2020-07-30 06:46:01 UTC  

And I hope he doesn't lecture programmers about software

2020-07-30 06:46:31 UTC  

not only that, but the very point youre trying to make with is the limitations of the original inputs is made in a similar fashion but better explained by him in that very video if i remember correctly

2020-07-30 06:47:01 UTC  

i was afk for quite a bit

2020-07-30 06:47:07 UTC  

if you understood classic computing, you'd see why that isn't an issue