Message from @Ekulgar (Santa Believer)

Discord ID: 797782800081747988

2021-01-10 10:02:52 UTC  

does it say vegan on his shirt? @chipped17

2021-01-10 10:03:00 UTC  

it says "go vegan and die"

2021-01-10 10:03:31 UTC  


2021-01-10 10:03:44 UTC  

the funny part is i'm eating breakfast while watching this

2021-01-10 10:04:23 UTC

2021-01-10 10:04:47 UTC  


2021-01-10 10:05:40 UTC

2021-01-10 10:05:40 UTC  

he sounds like slug

2021-01-10 10:07:42 UTC  

Why are you obsessed with this guy

2021-01-10 10:08:37 UTC  

i dont know

2021-01-10 10:08:58 UTC  

I thought you wanted to discuss my mental illness and this is why you pinged me but instead you just spam this guy

2021-01-10 10:09:13 UTC  

no i didnt

2021-01-10 10:09:25 UTC  

Then dont ping me lol

2021-01-10 10:09:41 UTC

2021-01-10 10:16:44 UTC

2021-01-10 10:59:29 UTC  

@chipped17 are you orthodox

2021-01-10 10:59:39 UTC  

just a question

2021-01-10 11:02:16 UTC  

why do you ask

2021-01-10 11:03:06 UTC  

because you consume raw meat

2021-01-10 11:03:24 UTC  

i dont

2021-01-10 11:04:01 UTC  

then why do you support the eating of raw meat

2021-01-10 11:05:02 UTC  

i dont\

2021-01-10 11:05:13 UTC  

but the bible has noothing against raw meat, really

2021-01-10 11:05:17 UTC  

only against eating blood

2021-01-10 11:06:23 UTC  

raw meat is soaked in blood

2021-01-10 11:06:53 UTC  

you would have to cook it to remove the blood

2021-01-10 12:30:13 UTC  

jedse, jedse we ned to bgo to burger king quick

2021-01-10 12:30:45 UTC  

but mistar whyte we donty have mone

2021-01-10 12:42:17 UTC

2021-01-10 12:42:44 UTC  

You can kill the people but not the idea

2021-01-10 12:43:30 UTC

2021-01-10 13:16:14 UTC

2021-01-10 13:38:01 UTC  

what would your parents think if they found your tranny folder Velko

2021-01-10 13:38:07 UTC  

bad optics dont you agree?

2021-01-10 13:42:07 UTC  

@Kotani what tranny folder lmao

2021-01-10 13:42:32 UTC  

the one in which you store all of those videos

2021-01-10 13:42:51 UTC  

like the one above

2021-01-10 13:43:35 UTC  

That isnt a tranny but probably a retard

2021-01-10 13:43:56 UTC  

ugly + gay = tranny

2021-01-10 13:44:24 UTC