Message from @aIex
Discord ID: 801535041061519370
@98 it’s interesting how the constitution parties are pretty similar, and the GOP’s aren’t terribly off either, but the libertarian differs and you have a slightly higher percentage of the Democrats lol
Uh oh
*ww2 flashbacks*
Uh oh atleast mustache man isn't on there xD
I guess I'm a German general now
Would that make me Germerican?
Rommel is Germany's Patton except he killed himself
Manstein is Germany's Eisenhower except he didn't become president after
And Zhukov is Russia's Zhukov.....
yeah, he doesn't quite have a counterpart
though I guess eisenhower would kinda be his counterpart? Zhukov abused his artillery and missile trucks prior to an attack to soften enemy positions
the tests should be in the pinns right?
It says I'm a leftie xD
@aIex Fixed it for you.. remember this is new times, you have to follow the agenda or they kill your dog
What test is that
Don't look at it
You don't see a army invading Poland || yet ||
no cause for concern, they were great generals
lol indeed