Message from @DerektTV_

Discord ID: 800595191710744648

2021-01-18 00:38:27 UTC  


2021-01-18 00:39:39 UTC  

i feel like sometimes.... someone says something super retarded out loud... with out really thinking about it.. like a college kid, drunk as fuck walking home from the bar says like "harvard should take away trump supporters degrees" and someone from the media hears it and runs with it "harvard considering revoking degrees from trump supporters due to outrage on campus"

2021-01-18 00:41:43 UTC  

like... is oregon really considering a bill? or did someone say like "we should landsnatch under the guise of national emergency" and then the media was like $.$ and started blasting headlines to stir shit up

2021-01-18 01:00:47 UTC  

Elon Musk is Hiring. Jobs Open in America from Tesla Batteries. Submit your resume now here,

2021-01-18 01:38:11 UTC  

LIVE 8pm CT Untold Story About Mike Lindell Visit to White House. Guests: Lindell, McInerney, Vallely, Fanning & Jones @ - Alert Others

2021-01-18 03:13:25 UTC  

If Texas succeeds, I'm moving to the Republic of Texas

2021-01-18 03:14:03 UTC  

I'm drunk af right now, but I am not giving up my guns .

2021-01-18 03:15:20 UTC  

You fuckin' bet. Only reason I'm hanging around here is that the fight is strong and good work can be done. If and when that split happens, though, it's time to contribute to a better cause

2021-01-18 03:17:41 UTC  

If any state could be it's own country, it's Texas. They've got their own oil and any country would be afraid to face an army of proud, tough Texans

2021-01-18 03:18:42 UTC  

Hell yeah we could

2021-01-18 03:19:38 UTC  

I'm from Eastern Tennessee, lived in Louisiana for almost 10 years, but even those red states don't compare to Texas

2021-01-18 03:20:38 UTC  

I just wish Abbott would just lift the restrictions already

2021-01-18 03:25:28 UTC  

Secession is a long, arduous, tedious process, one that's fraught with the risk of complete failure for every second that it's on the table. There's a universe of ducks to get in a row in a short period of time. If everything went right, Texas could secede in 5-10 years and then it would struggle for the next 25 until it's back to a modern standard

2021-01-18 03:26:04 UTC  

But... It's still better than what'll happen to the US if we can't hold back this insane administration coming in

2021-01-18 03:35:24 UTC  

I can't think too deeply through the alcohol. I need to go to bed

2021-01-18 03:35:41 UTC  

Hey can I post my flag map here?

2021-01-18 03:58:15 UTC  

none of those things are false. did you read the original sources ?

2021-01-18 04:01:58 UTC  

He got the nuke kill streak

2021-01-18 05:19:28 UTC  

Trump pardons himself for nuking democrats.

Democrats are like, wait a minute...


2021-01-18 07:06:30 UTC  

<:thinking:726878987837636698> <:GoldenKek:797863764002209812> <:salut:730846445732888630>