Message from @Winnie37a

Discord ID: 799740123315044362

2021-01-15 05:44:20 UTC
here's a vid on a civilian hand radio setup with military headsets

2021-01-15 06:42:36 UTC  

So what's a good starter thing to do for this?

2021-01-15 07:16:31 UTC  

When I said "Alt Tech" I meant "A channel on Bitchute or MeWe".

But this works too.

2021-01-15 15:19:57 UTC  

do for what?

2021-01-15 15:21:09 UTC  

wrangler star has good videos on tools and homesteading. Kinda hard to sift through his click-baity titles, but his older videos from like 3-7 years ago are excellent. Man has a ton of wisdom.

2021-01-15 15:21:22 UTC  

idk about tech stuff though

2021-01-15 15:21:40 UTC  

not rlly my forte. :\

2021-01-15 16:38:15 UTC  

Everything going on

2021-01-15 16:39:34 UTC  

oh. Well for starters, make sure you have some potable water, food, and TP stocked up. I recommend at least a month's supply if you can afford it. Maybe just don't buy it all at the same time from the same place, b/c that might draw unwanted attention.

2021-01-15 16:40:19 UTC  

if you don't have a decent knife, that's good to have to, just for a variety of tasks from edc to survival.

2021-01-15 16:41:06 UTC  

keep in mind, its winter rn, so your going to want to make sure you have so sort of fuel stocked up so that you can keep the heat on. Whether you stock up on gasoline for a generator or firewood is up to you.

2021-01-15 16:41:19 UTC  

options are nice, so I like to have both

2021-01-15 16:43:23 UTC  

If you can, a way to defend your stock pile is also critical. obviously, weapons such as a rifle or handgun are good to protect against people, but that is incredibly unlikely. more likely, you may need to extinguish a fire or deal with flooding. Both will ruin your stockpile if you don't have provisions in place to keep them safe. If shtf, its a good idea to keep a week of stuff in you car too, just in case you home burns down, that way you dont lose everything.

2021-01-15 16:45:29 UTC  

as for the chaos going in our country, all I can say is stay vigilant, get right with God, and have a couple of plans. If you got family, just make sure that your plans are established and that everyone knows there role.

2021-01-15 16:46:22 UTC  

I have multiple knives and a utility knife

2021-01-15 16:46:56 UTC  


2021-01-15 16:47:12 UTC  

you can literally build civilization with a good knife.

2021-01-15 16:53:37 UTC  

in terms of things to prepare for the next four years/life in general, I have been thinking lately that it might be good to compile a small collection of books and educate myself. My primary reason for wanting to do this is to re-learn how to unplug from the world around me and focus on a specific, isolated task in hopes of developing some discipline. At the end of the day, there is only so much we can do politically and even culturally. While its good to stay up-to-date and even get involved in politics, I personally feel like we tend to do that too often in America. idk. just my thoughts.

2021-01-15 17:13:37 UTC  

Collect any old books too. They’re good stories and often have a solid moral point.

2021-01-15 19:30:59 UTC  

I also have a machette

2021-01-15 20:41:43 UTC  

It’s stoopid the govt can take your guns even if you live off of them

2021-01-15 20:42:18 UTC  

Ar15 ban is gonna hurt a lot of people that make money from shooting yotes or anything else

2021-01-15 20:45:08 UTC  

Aint gonna happen

2021-01-15 23:03:38 UTC  

The bit about books is excellent, the digital age has brought with it a new form of Book Burning in the form of "Deplatforming."
There's a meme one could make about the Fascists saying "These holocaust numbers seem kinda inflated, maybe we should-" and then the college professors freak out like "Noooo! Guys, we got a Nazi Sympathizer here, we gotta do something about this."
Then a tanky comes along and he's like "These Soviet Purge numbers seem kinda inflated, mind if we-"

2021-01-15 23:03:52 UTC  


2021-01-15 23:05:26 UTC  

Point being, big tech can't delete/ban/memory hole a book in the real world. So save those. Print them if need be.

2021-01-15 23:31:07 UTC  

I already try to buy them when I visit the used book store on my campus.

2021-01-16 10:20:11 UTC  

anyone know the shipping turnaround time for Readywise emergency foods?

2021-01-16 17:04:05 UTC  

They are not great but they are sold in stores bass pro etc even dicks sporting good from time to time

2021-01-16 17:11:04 UTC  

So built out both the grey and tac builds two backs 40L each both with Triarc Rifles and Triarc Glock 17 and Tri-11 3 day of food and water and the whole blend of camo and civilian clothes. And move out of Portland too so now more worry about those asshole throwing Molotovs at my house

2021-01-16 17:53:13 UTC  

Academy’s sells them

2021-01-16 22:14:23 UTC  

I'm tempted to ask my mom if we can go and prep

2021-01-17 00:11:29 UTC  

At least get a gun if you don’t have any

2021-01-17 06:00:53 UTC  

So tomorrow hopefully me and my mother are gonna go prep