Message from @ELIS314
Discord ID: 798970637543800872
The furry crusade.@Texas Crusader
what did i just walk into
Flag, inspired by Old Glory Rustic Sign Co (the flag behind Tyler in videos).
@Creeper120 no need for reposts here
its an update
I added to it
there I deleted the original
Very well
now its not a repost
But you said it was different. Therefore, there was no reason to delete it. I was wrong
What do you get when a freak electromagnetic pulse brings all your electronic devices to life? you get Macgyver.
Strong lizard
"Thou-though y-y-your wit-it is a-a-amusing-ing, perha-haps I wasn't c-clea-clear enough-ough; You a-are not-ot lea-leaving th-this place ali-alive. "
somebody help me i posted my art in the wrong channel and now i cant find it
oh wait i didnr
so,eone just covered it up lol
@Swizzle I cant find anything, like if you refer to what you posted today it is above what I posted
Like it was just bad synchronisation from my part
thats ok, i just looked back at this channel and was ultra confused
- a furry
made a joke comic based off how i shade black areas
Lol nice
got back into digital art for a bit
I did this for a WW1 history assignment but I’m very bad at drawing faces ):
I made a double sided face mask cuz I was bored and thought the fabric was cool