Message from @Peris_Arts

Discord ID: 800189782348660777

2021-01-15 20:58:50 UTC  


2021-01-15 21:19:53 UTC  

hehehehehe they have hands

2021-01-15 21:19:56 UTC  

snek with hands

2021-01-15 21:25:28 UTC  

mhm, ~~and maybe some fun stuff on her chest~~

2021-01-15 21:30:04 UTC  


2021-01-16 00:36:44 UTC  

i tried to draw

2021-01-16 00:36:52 UTC  

any feedback is appreciated

2021-01-16 00:36:57 UTC  

im just trying to get better lol

2021-01-16 00:42:02 UTC  

It looks good! my general advice for improving is a whole ton of drawing and practice, and to not be afraid to look at references of the things you're drawing of of styles you like

2021-01-16 01:49:23 UTC  

Not gonna lie, tracing (for all the hate it gets) really helped me learn size, shape and proportion. Do a rough trace (circles or cubes instead of details) over certain objects to get a handle on how big or small you should make them in relation to the perspective.

Just don't make tracing your style, rather make it a foundation to developing the style you want.

2021-01-16 10:38:26 UTC  

My current digital art project, based on my personal armor. It's a bit difficult to differentiate certain aspects with the color and the fact that I'm not directly transferring the original paper sketch over (I didn't like some of the angles) doesn't help me, but so far, it's decent. Once I finish the outline and base colors, I'll start shading, which should help some of the lines stand out a little more.

I might also lighten up the armor color a little.

2021-01-16 22:17:27 UTC

2021-01-16 22:57:26 UTC  

@Alpha-57 just some art criticism. 1st off well done. Good proportions; my only critique would be to add some accent colors. That’s all

2021-01-16 23:02:35 UTC  

I'll probably lighten up some of the armor pieces, since I feel like I did make those too dark, but like I said, it's based on my personal armor, which is a matte black on metallic black on black fabric with a few red accents here and there. It doesn't really leave much to add on color-wise.

Unless you were talking about a background....

2021-01-16 23:03:32 UTC  

A background could help. Perhaps some glare from the armor and some shading would also assist

2021-01-16 23:04:13 UTC  

Yeah, once I get the base colors right, shading and glare will really help it look better.

2021-01-16 23:06:53 UTC  

Then all I can say is good luck and can’t wait to see the end product

2021-01-16 23:20:07 UTC

2021-01-17 02:26:20 UTC  

Anyone 3d print here ?

2021-01-17 02:28:30 UTC  

Have one; it’s just stored away. No room for it atm

2021-01-17 02:32:47 UTC  

@AG yes I 3D every single day. I make advanced small scale model rockets so I'm on CAD almost everyday lol

2021-01-17 02:33:21 UTC  

CAD, 3D printer running all day and night, prototype every 24 hours. My life

2021-01-17 03:51:45 UTC  

little doodle of my Minecraft skin

2021-01-17 04:15:13 UTC

2021-01-17 05:04:59 UTC  

Keep at it. I don't have any tips, I myself cannot draw. But I appreciate those who do.

2021-01-17 05:06:15 UTC  

Animal, yet not anthropomorphic. I approve this art.

2021-01-17 05:07:40 UTC  

In my story it's just a bunch of dogs (mostly military working dogs and police dogs) who hang out and play around with guns, tanks, and what not when the humans aren't looking

2021-01-17 05:08:35 UTC  

Cool. Maybe not my thing, but I appreciate it for what it is.

2021-01-17 05:11:24 UTC  

I'm not a furry (not into that stuff), but I like dogs and technology so I started an art series

2021-01-17 05:12:15 UTC  

I especially like police dogs and military working dogs, and as a big Rocketry and Space fan, their contributions to space flight and how they paved a way for testing key life support systems to allow humans to fly

2021-01-17 08:47:04 UTC  

Ran a 3.5 campaign where my best friend ran an insane kobold with a wisdom of 3.

He was like the tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy alex jones wizard. His excuse was that at some point in his past, a mind-flayer managed to suck out a significant portion of his brain. Ever since, he's been convinced that mind-flayers are behind everything. He has managed to convinced the party that oak trees have powers that foil divination magic, and that the moon is actually a sleeping alien god waiting to devour the planet.

2021-01-17 08:54:56 UTC  

You, sir, have written the greatest paragraph I have read this week.

2021-01-17 16:59:58 UTC  

i might have posted this before but it has a panda now so it's different

2021-01-17 17:07:23 UTC  

Its not really photography so I’ll put it in art, this is a recent edit I made on my phone

2021-01-17 17:51:27 UTC  

That looks cool

2021-01-17 17:51:58 UTC  

I love pandas, my favorite animal

2021-01-17 18:14:13 UTC

2021-01-17 20:24:57 UTC has some weird stuff. Apparently it uses an AI to make randomly generated art

2021-01-17 20:28:18 UTC  

sounds interesting

2021-01-17 21:47:44 UTC  

It is indeed very interesting. I heard about it from a video that solar sands did