Message from @2Lazy2BeOriginal

Discord ID: 798245529514541086

2021-01-11 17:25:44 UTC  

I'm pretty sure this is a typo but wow singling out hispanics and whites

2021-01-11 17:25:58 UTC  

I hope it's a typo

2021-01-11 17:27:37 UTC  

dude these comments are so confusing

2021-01-11 17:28:05 UTC  

whats the video?

2021-01-11 17:28:37 UTC  

congresswomen tries to call ben shapiro racist

2021-01-11 17:28:46 UTC  

there's another thread with 380 comments

2021-01-11 17:29:01 UTC  

ight ima check it out

2021-01-11 17:29:17 UTC  


2021-01-11 17:29:41 UTC  

I still screenshoted the comments from the other thread, mostly the relvant comments

2021-01-11 17:30:25 UTC  

interested in seeing it? I'll dm you it

2021-01-11 17:30:38 UTC  

i found one with 22k comments. So because im white my opinion doesn't matter...i feel like that would divide us more xD

2021-01-11 17:30:55 UTC  

u can if u want 2 bud

2021-01-11 17:31:01 UTC  

white dude haha

2021-01-11 17:31:17 UTC  


2021-01-11 17:31:33 UTC  

do you want to spend an hour and a half reading it? there's prob some I missed but the worst comments I screenshoted

2021-01-11 17:32:42 UTC  

i'll spend some time i like diving deep into the comments like some of the more older comments

2021-01-11 17:33:35 UTC  

the comment thread I suggest you read is about white privledge

2021-01-11 17:34:06 UTC  


2021-01-11 17:40:15 UTC  

who do you think won? black sonservative or brainless liberal

2021-01-11 17:41:38 UTC  

dude these comments are great

2021-01-11 17:42:44 UTC  

what's so hard to understand to acknowledge history but there aren't oppresed anymore, bad history did make them a disadvantage but it isn't a race issue

2021-01-11 17:44:07 UTC  

I do like him not seeing race but there are different features based off race

2021-01-11 17:44:24 UTC  

like black people tend to have thick hair and white people are white and straighter

2021-01-11 17:45:11 UTC  

race isn't really much but phenotype variation, genetically speaking it's not really much of a difference

2021-01-11 17:45:29 UTC  

we can spot our differences but for everything else it is quite small

2021-01-11 17:45:33 UTC  

oh yea there's different ethnicity which I think that's what he's meaning

2021-01-11 17:45:44 UTC  

the comment above it was talking about genetic differences which make sense

2021-01-11 17:46:10 UTC  

small differences but impact things that isn't just melanin in skin

2021-01-11 17:48:28 UTC  

dude they are still responding with Oluwatomisin Olaiya even though what she said made sense and she would agree

2021-01-11 17:50:47 UTC

2021-01-11 17:51:18 UTC  

ever race has at some point been enslaved by another

2021-01-11 17:51:26 UTC  

but nobody wants to talk about that

2021-01-11 17:51:28 UTC  

he isn't wrong but it comes down to poor policy on why countries are poor

2021-01-11 17:51:42 UTC  

also black immigrants aren't the same as decendants of slaves

2021-01-11 17:52:13 UTC  

also barock obama wasn't "up there"

2021-01-11 17:52:55 UTC  

another thing is that child birth is something you chose, not forced (except rape but that's rare as hell)

2021-01-11 17:52:57 UTC  

cuz history is being rewritten

2021-01-11 17:53:09 UTC  


2021-01-11 17:53:15 UTC  

I think comparing peoples suffering as an “I had it worse” type thing is not productive

2021-01-11 17:53:24 UTC  


2021-01-11 17:53:26 UTC  

Because in that way someone will always have it worse