Message from @Nitrix

Discord ID: 798844292747231302

2021-01-13 08:35:33 UTC  

they are now because the memes of conservatives climbing the wall to the capital

2021-01-13 08:36:19 UTC  

they got obsessed with trying to frame Trump for the cages Biden built

2021-01-13 08:37:32 UTC  

Yeah our media is just a translation of CNN so that's why also many people dislike him here while they vote for party's and polticians with likewise positions

2021-01-13 08:38:22 UTC  

A lot of people here just blame their problems on white people or trump, including the political divide lol

2021-01-13 08:38:51 UTC  

Where is here?

2021-01-13 08:38:53 UTC  

Granted I know blaming the president of the other party is something done on both sides a la "thanks Obama"

2021-01-13 08:38:59 UTC  


2021-01-13 08:39:05 UTC  

Obama was a shitty president

2021-01-13 08:39:10 UTC  


2021-01-13 08:39:18 UTC  

San Francisco region

2021-01-13 08:40:13 UTC  

you know that obama first said sea level gonna rise 50meter and after his presidency bought million dollar house NEXT TO THE WATER

2021-01-13 08:40:43 UTC  

I was supposed to be under water like 10 years ago lol

2021-01-13 08:40:50 UTC

2021-01-13 08:41:08 UTC

2021-01-13 08:41:22 UTC  

oh cool

2021-01-13 08:43:46 UTC  

Yeah al gore said the world was going to end in 10 years, he said this 20 years ago😐

2021-01-13 09:05:07 UTC  

Wasn't it "Miami will be underwater by 2013"?

2021-01-13 09:15:31 UTC  

Yeah many people had said the world was gonna end and that kinda stuff trying to scare people

2021-01-13 09:17:22 UTC  

I won't be fearing the end, I will be waiting for it. They cannot scare me, because I hold Trump's attitude. Trump, with his real estate projects, expected the absolute worst as a baseline. That way he would not be endlessly disappointed, and surprised at good results

2021-01-13 09:21:08 UTC  

every time an ice falls off the glacier in the arctic, new ice forms in the antartic

2021-01-13 09:22:01 UTC  

Yeah Trump had an unbreakable spine, he had been through so much and nothing could get him down

2021-01-13 09:22:40 UTC  

also everybody is completely forgetting that all them oil wells pump out oil by pushing sea water into them, the area would collapse if they just pumped out oil only with nothing to replace the volume of mass

2021-01-13 10:07:55 UTC

2021-01-13 10:08:09 UTC  

People still pulling the race card for Obama in 2021

2021-01-13 10:18:13 UTC  

They will forever, it’s their most common virtueless signal, the race card. Then they target women after that.

2021-01-13 10:18:39 UTC

2021-01-13 10:19:31 UTC  

Right on queue <:KEK:795742276549607456> <:KEKWait:780472182387376130>

2021-01-13 10:28:59 UTC  

Yeah, Obama might’ve spoken about unity and blah blah blah, but he also launched drones in Yemen and made the cages 😁

2021-01-13 10:39:51 UTC  

Does this person also know that most people in america are white meaning if there weren't white people voting for obama he would never get elected. First get president of a mainly white country and after that call the people that voted for you racists🤡

2021-01-13 10:41:29 UTC  

I’m pretty sure America was always a diverse country

2021-01-13 10:41:45 UTC  

With all sorts of immigrants from all sorts of countries.

2021-01-13 10:42:18 UTC  

America is truly diverse and inclusive, yet the SJWs don’t even think it is.

2021-01-13 10:42:30 UTC  

🤦‍♂️ You are missing my point by a mile

2021-01-13 10:43:07 UTC  

Is the US mostly white yes or no? meaning that more than 50% of the people is white?

2021-01-13 10:43:23 UTC  

Obama murdered civilians celebrating a wedding, oh, and that hospital. He doesn’t give two shits about valuing human life. Actions speak louder than words. You know he also counted all military aged males as possible combatants too, regardless if they were or not? So that number he has killed is likely a lot higher than that. As per usual, men get targeted, pay the ultimate price, and no one even bats an eyelash. Hypocritical sacks of meat should just off himself already and do the world a favor. Obama was a shitty human being, regardless of his skin color. He only got elected because someone stepped down, and he was half black. He also started unconstitutional illegal secret courts to personally write off any global murders he wanted to do.

2021-01-13 10:43:38 UTC  

Then if there weren't white people voting for him how else could he get elected😮

2021-01-13 10:44:26 UTC  

Obama memes will always be funny, though.

2021-01-13 10:49:23 UTC  

It all started with obabma

2021-01-13 10:49:58 UTC  

“Think of the mom and pop owner with a couple employees” - Joe Biden
Also Joe Biden: “Antifa is just an idea”

2021-01-13 10:50:08 UTC  

Antifa literally burnt mom and pop businesses