Message from @LuckyPuffy

Discord ID: 799264164538351637

2021-01-14 13:05:16 UTC  

Uncle Joe literally was against gay marriage back in the 2000s

2021-01-14 13:05:26 UTC  

Yet here they are, openly “supporting” the LGBT community

2021-01-14 13:05:30 UTC  


2021-01-14 13:05:33 UTC  

same with Hillary

2021-01-14 13:05:47 UTC  

these fools will continue to be swindled over and over.

2021-01-14 13:06:14 UTC  

Thanks for the vote. See you in 4 years when I can talk about all the things I will do for you special snowflakes out there.

2021-01-14 13:06:33 UTC  

Symbolic changes, nothing really special.

2021-01-14 13:06:47 UTC  

They just change names, put logos and chant stuff, they don’t actually do anything.

2021-01-14 13:07:11 UTC  

yup.. 47 years in Government and what does this sack of shit have to show for it?

2021-01-14 13:07:20 UTC  

His family is rich.

2021-01-14 13:07:32 UTC  

Blacks are in prison longer than they should have been.

2021-01-14 13:08:10 UTC  

You know, it’s very weird to hear from the liberals how Republicans are racist, yet here we are, you saying Blacks didn’t deserve their jail time.

2021-01-14 13:08:39 UTC  

Jail is normally not effective after the first time.

2021-01-14 13:08:48 UTC  

Some people never go back and change

2021-01-14 13:09:10 UTC  

Some people will continue on the same path regardless of consequences.

2021-01-14 13:09:24 UTC  

People forgot what “personal responsibility” means.

2021-01-14 13:09:33 UTC  


2021-01-14 13:10:00 UTC  

Those kind of things are forgotten. The state is the problem know. All your faults are because of big rich white people.

2021-01-14 13:10:09 UTC  

Not that needle in your arm

2021-01-14 13:10:16 UTC  

or coke in your nose

2021-01-14 13:10:26 UTC  

Big rich white people do other bad stuff to you.

2021-01-14 13:10:39 UTC  

Like shutting you down just because they didn’t like your speech

2021-01-14 13:10:48 UTC  

Or literally systematically lying to you all the freaking time

2021-01-14 13:10:50 UTC  

so they vote in a big rich white dude because he had the msm behind him pushing it.

2021-01-14 13:11:08 UTC  

with a history of real racism

2021-01-14 13:11:13 UTC  


2021-01-14 13:11:26 UTC  

He said he literally didn’t want his children to have to grow in a racial jungle

2021-01-14 13:11:50 UTC  

I watched a video where a guy walked around asking black voters in New York who they thought said that.

2021-01-14 13:11:53 UTC  

100% said Trump

2021-01-14 13:12:21 UTC  

Then when presented with the evidence they just kinda swept it under the rug and made excuses.

2021-01-14 13:12:29 UTC  

oh it was the time then

2021-01-14 13:12:34 UTC  

he has changed

2021-01-14 13:13:02 UTC  

He’s still racist, but now it’s towards another group.

2021-01-14 13:13:28 UTC  

I would like to know why Robert Byrd still has not been denounced by Democrats.

2021-01-14 13:14:13 UTC  


2021-01-14 13:14:42 UTC  

And there is still a statue of him untouched

2021-01-14 13:14:43 UTC  

Actually, Trump used to be a Democrat, and nobody hated him. But in just 4 years, the media has successfully socially engineered the hatred for Trump.

2021-01-14 13:14:55 UTC  

dude was in the kkk

2021-01-14 13:15:09 UTC  

Oh my good Lord!

2021-01-14 13:15:21 UTC  

50 years in the senate for Democrats

2021-01-14 13:15:28 UTC  
