Message from @steven the angry deplorable🇺🇸🇺🇸

Discord ID: 800378630823215104

2021-01-17 14:51:38 UTC  

anyways.. their protest is fine, the violence is not

2021-01-17 14:51:43 UTC  

jsut like in the states

But that wasn’t a protest that was straight up a riot

2021-01-17 14:52:16 UTC  

right, so they are thinking they can be like the BLM in USA.

No violence <:KEKWait:780472182387376130> they were trowing rocks at the cops

2021-01-17 14:52:41 UTC  

I know , i am saying that is not allowed

2021-01-17 14:52:59 UTC  

Dank- you are thinking about China

2021-01-17 14:54:07 UTC  

Why do these "immigrants" (militants) do this to cops? I see this pattern in other countries too with the same types of "immigrants" (militants). 🤔

2021-01-17 14:55:47 UTC  

they are wild

2021-01-17 14:55:58 UTC  

they think that violence will solve their problem

2021-01-17 14:56:05 UTC  

they are frustrated with something

This was about a (black man) dyingin police custody and died of sol medical reson

2021-01-17 14:56:40 UTC  

and just like the "violent" kid at school, they don't know how to communicate properly or get things done without violence

2021-01-17 14:56:44 UTC  
2021-01-17 14:56:55 UTC  

oh, like george floyyd

They come to our country force there Muslim believes on us then they rape a shit ton of people do most crime in Belgium use or systemto gain money without working welcome to Belgium

2021-01-17 14:58:22 UTC  

Purely peaceful game of cornhole using rocks🤷‍♂️

And fire bombs

2021-01-17 14:58:50 UTC  

Of course there's "the excuse" to riot (like we had with floyd), could there be an underlying ideology they seem to operate from over there?

An new year’s immigrants burned down 40 cars

Same like in America bunch of leftie scum

Im getting sick of this shit

Immigrants are like a cancer they keep spreading i love legal immigrants but these fuckers are not legal

2021-01-17 15:00:46 UTC  

I udnerrstand

I dont care if there kids are born here

2021-01-17 15:00:54 UTC  

I agree, but why cops? Strange huh, cops take orders from someone too.

This is our country or culture

Our believes

And our cities

2021-01-17 15:01:28 UTC  

back in the days, when people immigrated, they followed the laws of their new country and repsected it

2021-01-17 15:01:34 UTC  

nowadays its all about Free handouts

They probably think cops are nazis

2021-01-17 15:01:49 UTC  

they have the same idealogy of cops are bad guys

My grand pa and gran ma were immigrants from italy and they worked there ass of to make money

2021-01-17 15:02:19 UTC  

But guess what- they are enforcing the law- if the LAWS are BAd- .. Then we need to vote in people who will fix them

2021-01-17 15:02:47 UTC  

not the cops fault

Or right party cant even get to power oh dont we love democracy

2021-01-17 15:03:13 UTC  

I know

2021-01-17 15:03:15 UTC  

@steven the angry deplorable🇺🇸🇺🇸 ever heard of "the Hill" in St. Louis MO?

2021-01-17 15:03:19 UTC  

but thats the least we can do is try