Message from @MemyselfandI

Discord ID: 800376726441951233

2021-01-17 14:45:29 UTC  

cold war = tic tac toe

This aint a war zone this is a street in brussels

Thats why i im trying to sell a new anti riots tool

2021-01-17 14:46:44 UTC  

both sides throw rocks...and nothing else hopefully ...therefore eventually the aggressive side either upgrades to something more hostile or they realize they're being played

A bunch of immigrants trying to kill our cops

2021-01-17 14:48:17 UTC  

both sides need to realize they're being played even if 1 side realizes it, the other side must understand it as well, so no upgrading to something more effective above 'rock-throwing'

Wtf you talking about

Are you on drugs

2021-01-17 14:48:51 UTC  

ww4...the stone age war

2021-01-17 14:49:01 UTC  

what are they protesting?

Some idiot criminal dying in police custody

2021-01-17 14:49:31 UTC  


2021-01-17 14:49:35 UTC  

u do realize if the police had no controls placed upon them, the protestors could be shot dead at their will

2021-01-17 14:49:50 UTC  

Damn , its like little kids- one sees wha tthe other does, and jsut copies them

Stop talking about shit you dont know shit about Belgium is a whole different situation

2021-01-17 14:50:34 UTC  

most of these nations have 'democracies' with no actual rights to protest...but they're protesting anyway...and being allowed to do it

<:Brainlet:752612764287238240> <:Brainlet:752612764287238240>

2021-01-17 14:51:02 UTC  

i think they have the right to protest there don't they?\

Yes <:KEK:795742276549607456> <:KEK:795742276549607456>

2021-01-17 14:51:21 UTC  


He is on drugs talking a lot of bulshit

2021-01-17 14:51:38 UTC  

anyways.. their protest is fine, the violence is not

2021-01-17 14:51:43 UTC  

jsut like in the states

But that wasn’t a protest that was straight up a riot

2021-01-17 14:52:16 UTC  

right, so they are thinking they can be like the BLM in USA.

No violence <:KEKWait:780472182387376130> they were trowing rocks at the cops

2021-01-17 14:52:41 UTC  

I know , i am saying that is not allowed

2021-01-17 14:52:59 UTC  

Dank- you are thinking about China

2021-01-17 14:54:07 UTC  

Why do these "immigrants" (militants) do this to cops? I see this pattern in other countries too with the same types of "immigrants" (militants). 🤔

2021-01-17 14:55:47 UTC  

they are wild

2021-01-17 14:55:58 UTC  

they think that violence will solve their problem

2021-01-17 14:56:05 UTC  

they are frustrated with something

This was about a (black man) dyingin police custody and died of sol medical reson

2021-01-17 14:56:40 UTC  

and just like the "violent" kid at school, they don't know how to communicate properly or get things done without violence

2021-01-17 14:56:44 UTC  
2021-01-17 14:56:55 UTC  

oh, like george floyyd

They come to our country force there Muslim believes on us then they rape a shit ton of people do most crime in Belgium use or systemto gain money without working welcome to Belgium

2021-01-17 14:58:22 UTC  

Purely peaceful game of cornhole using rocks🤷‍♂️

And fire bombs