Message from @Revaeroski

Discord ID: 800495035060715591

2021-01-17 22:37:46 UTC  

Me too but what's the point if you have to live like a jew in wwii?

2021-01-17 22:37:52 UTC  

Homeless people do it all the time

2021-01-17 22:37:53 UTC  

That's pretty hard to prove that I can't effectively work without a vaccine since I'm already doing that anyways

2021-01-17 22:38:08 UTC  

I can chill in the woods with the trees. Better to return to nature than take that agenda 21 vax

2021-01-17 22:38:12 UTC  

Finna go to the black market for paperwork lmao

2021-01-17 22:38:36 UTC  

We should all just create a society like the Amish and show them how we thrive without vaccines and all their bullshit

2021-01-17 22:38:39 UTC  

Money won't matter soon since hyperinflation is occuring

2021-01-17 22:38:44 UTC  

"Deine Papiere, bitte"

2021-01-17 22:38:55 UTC  

With all the money biden is pushing toward stimulus and ahit

2021-01-17 22:39:00 UTC  

Plagiarizing the last relief bill

2021-01-17 22:39:30 UTC  

So,yeah, even if I,cant get a job,because i refused to take a rushed vaccine, then guess what I'll be fine

2021-01-17 22:39:35 UTC  

If I'm asked for papers it'll give me a chance to be like "oh I got my papers here" put hand in pocket, pull out middle finger

2021-01-17 22:40:08 UTC  

Have yall seen that thing where it said "if america saw what was happening in America, American would send american troops to fight for america"

2021-01-17 22:40:12 UTC  

So sad lo

2021-01-17 22:40:14 UTC  


2021-01-17 22:40:49 UTC  


2021-01-17 22:40:57 UTC  

Even Germany is saying that the censorship is bullshit. Fucking germany! But then again, Germany is also putting people into some kind of "re-education camp" if they don't take the vaccine

2021-01-17 22:41:00 UTC  

I will say I have allergies, call it a day, can't take the vaccine

2021-01-17 22:41:07 UTC  

Germany doesn't need to have "camp" in their vocabulary ever again

2021-01-17 22:41:26 UTC  

If this election happened in any country, America would not respect the leader since it would be considered fraudulent

2021-01-17 22:41:28 UTC  

Also, I have no idea what that vaccine will do to me anyways, but I do know I have a 99.994% survival rate if I get covid

2021-01-17 22:41:35 UTC  

@Revaeroski my whole family has medical exemptions because we are deadass at risk and allergic to stuff in vaccines.. we could die. But it doesn't matter

2021-01-17 22:41:37 UTC  

Think I'll take my chances with covid

2021-01-17 22:42:02 UTC  

Its just making me realize how much I hate hypocrites

2021-01-17 22:42:25 UTC  

Hypocrites suck

2021-01-17 22:43:08 UTC  

I dont use the word hate very often but I genuinely hate hypocrites

2021-01-17 22:43:59 UTC  

Not sure why they think making vaccines mandatory is a good idea. Think about it... if I can't work without these "papers", then that means I don't pay taxes, go on welfare, live for free.

2021-01-17 22:45:07 UTC  

They going to say I can't collect welfare if I don't have the vaccine?

2021-01-17 22:46:57 UTC  

hmm ok, off to the woods I go then'

2021-01-17 22:49:19 UTC  

They're gonna say that all your debt is gonna be paid off if you take the vaccine

2021-01-17 22:49:29 UTC  

lol bull

2021-01-17 22:49:31 UTC  

If you're like most Americans, you'll do it

2021-01-17 22:49:43 UTC  

Bro they're democrats. They magically pull money out of their asses

2021-01-17 22:49:58 UTC  

And then just yeet it onto Republicans to handle

2021-01-17 22:49:59 UTC  

I don't have much debt left, all I really have is the house payment and that's going to be gone by the end of this year

2021-01-17 22:50:07 UTC  

"LOL whoopsie daisy"

2021-01-17 22:50:14 UTC  

Good for you bro

2021-01-17 22:50:36 UTC  

Also... if they're going to say "you need the vaccine to work" I want to have them also follow that up with "because the masks don't work"

2021-01-17 22:50:44 UTC  


2021-01-17 22:50:46 UTC  
