Message from @MofoDoggo

Discord ID: 800425482700062751

2021-01-17 17:59:12 UTC  

again, it's the 19th, not the 17th

2021-01-17 17:59:16 UTC

2021-01-17 18:00:00 UTC  

you think the 17 is a false flag? because its Q day

2021-01-17 18:00:16 UTC  

Has anyone listened to brighton report aka Mike Adams again? Hes the one who said 2 days ago the entire Q movement, Simon Parkes, Charlie Hall, Juan O Savin, michael Jaco, Etc. all the normal video guys who supposedly received special inside information that they and the entire Q movement was a CIA psych OP from the deep state to keep patriots at bay hoping.

2021-01-17 18:00:53 UTC  

eh idk about that, Qs been around since before Trump

2021-01-17 18:01:13 UTC  

back in Obama era

2021-01-17 18:01:14 UTC  

This mike adams guy is a negative nancy Im hearing. He basically is buying the optics which I believe Trump has people doing for optics to make deep state think they are winning. Like Sidney Powell, Mike Lindell, this guy now.

2021-01-17 18:01:15 UTC  

I’m telling you, Q is a CIA member trolling

2021-01-17 18:01:25 UTC  

says that q is spreading false inside information
*proceeds to give inside information*

2021-01-17 18:02:14 UTC  

Yea he didnt say Q but he obviously leaned that way. Hes like 100% absolute without shadow of a doubt I have inside info 😂

2021-01-17 18:02:47 UTC  

q is just dumb
Sasdly biden will be pres
Gonna be funny to see that nothing happenened on the 20
CIvil war will be funny to watch tough

2021-01-17 18:03:16 UTC  

Not gonna happen

2021-01-17 18:03:29 UTC  

Civil war already started

2021-01-17 18:04:22 UTC  

Civil war is not good or funny

2021-01-17 18:04:22 UTC  

There just isn't enough evidence to show that something for sure happens the 17th

2021-01-17 18:04:26 UTC  

This was shared yesterday but here it is again. It's been planned for along time its not going to change.

2021-01-17 18:04:39 UTC  

the 19th

2021-01-17 18:04:56 UTC  

that's the day to watch

2021-01-17 18:04:56 UTC  


2021-01-17 18:05:06 UTC  

A is probably the Russians ngl

2021-01-17 18:05:09 UTC  


2021-01-17 18:05:13 UTC  

They’re Aliens

2021-01-17 18:05:17 UTC  

I’m telling you now

2021-01-17 18:05:25 UTC  

Aliens never seen so much bs before

2021-01-17 18:05:38 UTC  

how does q even know this would happen? this was before the virus before mail in ballots

2021-01-17 18:05:41 UTC  

That’s why they never stay

2021-01-17 18:06:11 UTC  


2021-01-17 18:06:14 UTC

2021-01-17 18:07:37 UTC  


2021-01-17 18:08:08 UTC  

Maybe today and tomorrow are the info dumps, and 19th is arrests?

2021-01-17 18:09:50 UTC  

All I know is they need to haul butt. Deadline for action approaching

2021-01-17 18:10:03 UTC  

It would take longer than 2 days for info dumps

2021-01-17 18:10:15 UTC  

Cause people have to go through it

2021-01-17 18:10:28 UTC  

And the steps seem to be in place: declassifications are already happening, and there are many troops in DC

2021-01-17 18:10:47 UTC  

Simply no way. Anyone here follow Q for long time can personally confirm the RED list was posted awhile ago?

2021-01-17 18:11:06 UTC  

Yes it was

2021-01-17 18:11:37 UTC  

I just posted a PDF that showed that Obama funded Al Qaeda