Message from @Awmanthisgirl

Discord ID: 800450363035615263

2021-01-17 19:39:18 UTC  

Ebs today you think?

2021-01-17 19:39:35 UTC  

No this is Biden

2021-01-17 19:39:46 UTC  


2021-01-17 19:40:03 UTC  

I think anytime between today and the 20th

2021-01-17 19:40:37 UTC  

I can delete it

2021-01-17 19:40:38 UTC  

Biden did in the last debate make fun of how much taxes that Trump had to pay to china because Biden made more in china and paid less

2021-01-17 19:40:43 UTC  


2021-01-17 19:40:48 UTC  

do u im just making a suggestion 😉

2021-01-17 19:40:59 UTC  

don't get urself caught up in some bs 😛

2021-01-17 19:41:09 UTC  

Ayo but like guys

2021-01-17 19:41:19 UTC  

What if Donald trump still our president <:TrumpSmile:720121948088041513> <:KEK:795742276549607456>

2021-01-17 19:41:39 UTC  

He is got, 5more days if shit doesnt hit fan

2021-01-17 19:41:50 UTC  

*MAGA intensifies*

2021-01-17 19:42:56 UTC  

Aye so can we confirm what reds we’ve had?

2021-01-17 19:43:05 UTC

2021-01-17 19:43:27 UTC  


2021-01-17 19:43:27 UTC  

I believe we have red 6 and red 2 left

2021-01-17 19:43:42 UTC  

That’s what I’m thinking

2021-01-17 19:43:52 UTC  

Saw a post where all were done except USSS and Castle Rock

2021-01-17 19:43:58 UTC  

dude really is a genius he trolls on a whole different level

2021-01-17 19:44:01 UTC  

Then someone teach them how to count

2021-01-17 19:44:11 UTC  

castle rock was pence's speech

2021-01-17 19:44:12 UTC  

Red 6 already confirmed. Pompeo tweeted 6 red wines, and I think McInerny posted red 6

2021-01-17 19:44:14 UTC  


2021-01-17 19:44:36 UTC  

Ohhh right, then the board is set

2021-01-17 19:44:41 UTC  

ppl showed this ship we have named castle rock

2021-01-17 19:44:42 UTC  


2021-01-17 19:44:42 UTC  

Awoman doesn't include all of the other 150 genders

2021-01-17 19:44:43 UTC  

I bet deep state is shaking rn

2021-01-17 19:45:02 UTC  

oh yeah that's right red 6 was the wine

2021-01-17 19:45:17 UTC  

I bet the deep state is wondering what kind of drapes they will need for the white house that are fire proof and bullet proof

2021-01-17 19:45:38 UTC  

So we keep and eye on 5:17pm EST then?

2021-01-17 19:46:01 UTC  

what's red 5?

2021-01-17 19:46:01 UTC  

It looks like the stage is set and we're just waiting for the play to start.

2021-01-17 19:46:05 UTC  

I just can’t wait to see (if it happens) all the rats in our government get arrested

2021-01-17 19:46:27 UTC  

Too bad hunter will lock his entire family out of the Presidential Bunker

2021-01-17 19:46:41 UTC  

while he uses it to store copious amounts of cocain

2021-01-17 19:46:48 UTC  


2021-01-17 19:46:51 UTC  


2021-01-17 19:46:58 UTC  

It was something to do with the middle east