Message from @PeayeS

Discord ID: 800060698712997908

2021-01-16 17:50:46 UTC  

That is also true.

2021-01-16 17:51:05 UTC  

Yeah people who die to covid and don’t have pre conditions are unlucky it happens

2021-01-16 17:51:11 UTC  

and yeah what about the immigration act thing

2021-01-16 17:51:18 UTC  

Which one

2021-01-16 17:51:22 UTC  

where he blocked indians and shit

2021-01-16 17:51:42 UTC  


2021-01-16 17:51:46 UTC  


2021-01-16 17:51:51 UTC  

The one that happened this year

2021-01-16 17:52:01 UTC  

that's almost the main reason most of the indians hate him

2021-01-16 17:52:14 UTC  


2021-01-16 17:52:22 UTC  

the earlier one

2021-01-16 17:52:47 UTC  

Are you talking about Trump's ban on work visas until the end of the year?

2021-01-16 17:52:49 UTC  

eh is trump cutting welfare or

2021-01-16 17:52:51 UTC  

and the media

2021-01-16 17:53:25 UTC  

Yeah the media makes it like only white males are benefiting under trump

2021-01-16 17:53:42 UTC  

Not because of some Immigration act <:ZedDecaprio:784198104646811668>

2021-01-16 17:54:07 UTC  

the first iirc where he made it tougher for getting visas

2021-01-16 17:54:27 UTC  

The reason for that is to place American workers first.

2021-01-16 17:54:49 UTC  

I see no reason why Trump should work for Indians as an American president.

2021-01-16 17:55:05 UTC  

when you said Indians do you mean natives or Indians?

2021-01-16 17:55:34 UTC not exactly when you ask any indian why he dislikes trump the almost first thing they say is that he made it tougher for indians to go to the US

2021-01-16 17:55:53 UTC  

You said the media <:Tucker:781196327559495720>

2021-01-16 17:56:12 UTC  

Has anyone said something about Chinese people going to America?

2021-01-16 17:56:16 UTC  


2021-01-16 17:56:16 UTC  

The media hates Trump for completely different reasons.

2021-01-16 17:56:41 UTC  

And I said “not because of some immigration act<:ZedDecaprio:784198104646811668> “

2021-01-16 17:57:39 UTC  

Remember that ANTIFA dude who stormed into capitol

2021-01-16 17:57:41 UTC  

Where then 2 Polish Murican Gone

2021-01-16 17:57:45 UTC  

Can say he got what he deserved

2021-01-16 17:58:03 UTC  

alright, i guess i misunderstood then

2021-01-16 17:58:09 UTC  

"Intelligence doesn't equal wisdom. When you think too highly of yourself, you lose your perception on simple things." -OwlMan

2021-01-16 17:58:26 UTC  


2021-01-16 17:58:38 UTC  

It’s ok

2021-01-16 17:59:03 UTC  

it's so different here in india

2021-01-16 17:59:21 UTC  

all the media portrays modi as a hero

2021-01-16 18:00:16 UTC  

What was the tension between China and India about?

2021-01-16 18:00:35 UTC  

Who’s modi

2021-01-16 18:00:53 UTC  

Think lowly of yourself <:thinking:726878987837636698>

2021-01-16 18:01:03 UTC  

there’s a dispute in the himilayas that China for some reason wants

2021-01-16 18:01:24 UTC  

Or in simpler terms, humble yourself.

2021-01-16 18:01:45 UTC  

That's a bit **difficult** chief