Message from @Benjamin.

Discord ID: 800138065375920158

2021-01-16 22:59:54 UTC  

Remember Democrats vote with feelings not logic

2021-01-16 23:00:01 UTC  

but it's pretty much what has been shoved down our throats from mainstream media for the last 4 years

2021-01-16 23:00:02 UTC  

I was simply calling out biden for being racist

2021-01-16 23:00:06 UTC  

How is y’all’s day going

2021-01-16 23:00:15 UTC  

Oh that’s annoying. Good luck on your music though!

2021-01-16 23:00:16 UTC  

Oh ok

2021-01-16 23:00:19 UTC  

Okay to an extent

2021-01-16 23:00:31 UTC  


2021-01-16 23:00:46 UTC  

I require more fried rice

2021-01-16 23:00:51 UTC  


2021-01-16 23:00:51 UTC  

Your right though, Biden has said some racist stuff. Like "if you don't vote for me, you ain't black" and also "poor kids are just as smart and talented as white kids"

2021-01-16 23:01:23 UTC  

@Revaeroski he literally said white kids are superior to others!

2021-01-16 23:01:30 UTC  


2021-01-16 23:01:44 UTC  

Don’t forget my two favorite

If you have a problem figuring out whether your for me or Trump then you’re ain’t black

And. I don’t want my kids in a classroom with black and white kids that’s just a racial jungle after all

2021-01-16 23:02:02 UTC  

oh yeah, that last one

2021-01-16 23:02:06 UTC  

forgot about that one lol

2021-01-16 23:02:11 UTC  

Whats funny is that back then Biden was (and still is) racist while trump was asked to be put in rap videos. Not joking.

2021-01-16 23:02:25 UTC  

Believe me, I’m the last person to vote for a dem ever again

2021-01-16 23:02:46 UTC  

Who's more racist? The career politician who banks on racial voting blocs or the business man who only sees green?

2021-01-16 23:02:49 UTC  

My aunt voted for that guy and she’s a teacher and she agrees with him but he also agrees with black lives matter so what is it bitch are you a racist or are you not a racist

2021-01-16 23:03:00 UTC  

I can’t wait for all the juicy quotes from Biden during his “presidency”.

2021-01-16 23:03:37 UTC  

The first, but the second doesn't only see green. He sees red white and blue

2021-01-16 23:03:39 UTC  

You might be disappointed, everything is going to be pre-recorded and rehersed, not much will be live

2021-01-16 23:03:53 UTC  

Those quotes will never make it on air if we don't take back the media and boost alt-tech. We also need to push thru election reform. All while preparing for the worst

2021-01-16 23:04:05 UTC  

Well let’s hope to find some fun moments.

2021-01-16 23:04:07 UTC  

So when he says "Palms" instead of "Psalms", that won't happen anymore (devote catholic my ass)

2021-01-16 23:04:15 UTC  

@Michigan Man 🍂 I dont agree with BLM cause I have been in far-right and dont want to say that one race is superior to another anymore

2021-01-16 23:04:47 UTC  

I mean I don’t agree with it either but my point is saying that how could you be for black lives matter but also for segregation

2021-01-16 23:05:50 UTC  

So I got a question... if judging people on the content of their character instead of the color of their skin is now racist, does that mean MLK Jr is a racist? Do they need to tear his statues down now?

2021-01-16 23:05:53 UTC  

I myself am a devoted catholic, and let me say this to Biden, Where the f@cked is your bible that u say u always carry around

2021-01-16 23:06:19 UTC  

Well they won’t because he’s a black person and the Democrats are all about pandering to them but if they could they would

2021-01-16 23:06:26 UTC  

@Michigan Man 🍂 It’s scary to see that we as conservatives are getting slumped in with the lunatics in the actual far-right

2021-01-16 23:07:07 UTC  

Meanwhile anyone left is good lol

2021-01-16 23:07:22 UTC  


2021-01-16 23:07:27 UTC  

And the far right agrees at the far left more than the moderate right because the political spectrum is like a horseshoe where the extremist left and extremist right are nearly identical which is very weird where they call us fascist but support communism so what is it are you for extreme left/extreme right or are you against it

2021-01-16 23:07:32 UTC  

The most extreme leftest barely get any bad things happening to then

2021-01-16 23:07:33 UTC  

Hey, whats up @SpaceDandyJoestarGG

2021-01-16 23:07:35 UTC  


2021-01-16 23:07:51 UTC  

@WarEagle7890 Sup War eagle hru?

2021-01-16 23:08:19 UTC  

Im fine, going into another 1 month lockdown tomorrow