Message from @sweetsweet88

Discord ID: 797959243151310930

2020-12-12 14:22:17 UTC

2020-12-14 00:29:44 UTC

2020-12-25 04:45:44 UTC

2020-12-25 05:01:50 UTC  


2020-12-26 17:50:02 UTC

2021-01-07 18:31:29 UTC  

Hmmm.. I've seen those curtains before... 😏

2021-01-07 18:32:09 UTC  

I think this are trump hotel curtains!😊

2021-01-07 18:50:07 UTC  

They are

2021-01-10 00:27:08 UTC  

Look what I found... Hmmmm

The account was created today and that is the only post on the page... I notice it has Parler: Standby as if its testing platform...hmmmm 🐸

2021-01-10 00:44:17 UTC  

Maybe that’s why trumps account private on parler?...

2021-01-10 00:45:38 UTC  

Maybe.. ? Very interesting. I found the profile in a comment on another post. The comment only said 12021, can't recall what the post is lol

2021-01-10 00:45:43 UTC

2021-01-10 00:45:47 UTC

2021-01-10 22:41:46 UTC  

So I'm not the best at looking up certain drop numbers apparently but I was trying to look up 1318 from the post on Parler. From comments on the post, it doesn't match that drop but I wanted to see what it did say. When I searched 1318 on qan .pub, it brought up 3 posts- none of which are 1318 lol..
These are what came up.

There have been no other posts since yesterday's.

2021-01-10 22:42:38 UTC  

Also, has the id always flashed for him? It was flashing between red and blue when I was looking at the post.

2021-01-10 22:42:42 UTC  

The number on the right is the drop number

2021-01-10 22:42:49 UTC

2021-01-10 22:43:29 UTC  

Holy cow I'm confused

2021-01-10 22:44:32 UTC  

Yeah i know where the drops numbers are and how to read them but for some reason these are the only ones I pulled up or allowed me to see. My phone wouldn't scroll down to read the one i posted I had to go to the post.

2021-01-10 22:45:08 UTC  

Huh how weird I realized I was dumb as soon as I saw the other photos

2021-01-10 22:46:51 UTC  

No worries! I think all our eyes are tired at this point trying to keep up! But has his id always flashed? I don't go onto 8kun enough to know but it I don't recall it doing that.

2021-01-10 22:54:38 UTC  

I found the Twitter one interesting that it linked to a post that says "look for more direct confirmations it's time" and the other talks about back channels.

The post on Parler started out addressing no outside communications and then that there are exceptions to the rule.

I'm just trying to verify if it could be legit.. Testing to see how free Parler is maybe, and libs aren't smart enough to look up the id, nor think posts would be "in plain sight" so to speak.. Lol

2021-01-13 03:15:33 UTC

2021-01-14 06:09:13 UTC

2021-01-14 07:30:54 UTC  

I hope Nancy Antoinette. Pelosi ends like the French Queen. Eating ice cream for 400 USD and giving the citizens 600 USD, what a mob witch

2021-01-14 07:31:45 UTC

2021-01-14 12:03:13 UTC  

πŸ˜‚ πŸ‘ πŸ’―

2021-01-17 06:55:33 UTC  

Q is real. Since 2017 there were enough things that were written and really happened.. You have no idea of this movement, if you think it's only one man

2021-01-17 07:16:24 UTC  

Oh, I know it's a network 🐸

2021-01-17 07:17:07 UTC  

It started with one man. One who posted to 4 chan.

2021-01-17 13:30:52 UTC  

It does t matter, important is only that we are in the same movement.. Sorry, I had a private call 1 sec before I wrote this before, which made me extremely angry, SORRY if I tipped on somebody's toes. Today is a sh.. day for me