Message from @Lloyd Owen

Discord ID: 799349604737876048

i posted a vid i found on youtube last night, (some of my subs have not made the unbias convert to other sm apps yet), now is the time to put your faith where its God, and in our great POTUS Trump, he knows what he is doing

its time for the world to have patience

2021-01-14 17:39:25 UTC  

That's what I'm expecting. Something self-explanatory that cannot be talked away

2021-01-14 17:40:40 UTC  

The left HATES us. I don’t like to say I hate people but damn do I HATE the way the left thinks. We’ve reached a point where it’s hard to come together. Maybe war with another country or sadly war within ourselves can bring us back to thinking on the same page and having ONE unified American agenda.

2021-01-14 17:41:32 UTC  

It’s actually scary that I can’t confidently say I live in a free country anymore πŸ€¨πŸ€”

2021-01-14 17:43:48 UTC  

When I try to debate with lefties I find they think they're educated. But they're really not. "A little education is a dangerous thing. "

2021-01-14 18:08:01 UTC  

@koolguy18000. People like Soros and politicians with their hands in the till fear President Trump. He's their nightmare. Someone who reeaally cares about America and Americans. They endeavor to disrupt our country so they may continue to parasitize it

2021-01-14 18:09:27 UTC  

Yes @Lloyd Owen I agree and I still have faith in President Trump

2021-01-14 18:13:18 UTC  

President Trump is the only person who can lead us through this chaos. I pray he remains safe. If anything were to happen to him it would arouse the public. But who would lead them, probably some Judas dished up by the media. ... I'd bet on that

2021-01-14 18:15:10 UTC  

I agree @Lloyd Owen i think the military will arrest all of them including Sleepy Joe and crazy Harris next Wednesday

2021-01-14 18:18:59 UTC  

President Trump spoke so wistfully when he was before the border wall, I worry that his family was threatened.
Wierd times, when such possibilities don't seem farfetched.

2021-01-14 18:20:46 UTC  

You are probably right @Lloyd Owen hopefully First Lady Melania and Don Jr and Ivanka are okay

2021-01-14 18:26:26 UTC  

I was hoping that this situation would be plowed through, but I keep finding the swamp to be deeper and deeper
Trump must be similarly startled. It's good to know who the enemies are, but Enough, Already.
On the other hand, all those Trump supporters across the country aren't going anywhere

2021-01-14 18:30:18 UTC  

They must be feeling as desperate as I by now. And giving Socialists an opening was the last mistake of all countries they've overrun. So I'm wondering if these activities at state capitols may become something big

2021-01-14 18:30:28 UTC  

That's right this is just the beginning if the democrats think they have won lol

2021-01-14 18:31:47 UTC  

πŸ‘ true

2021-01-14 18:34:06 UTC  

Amen. I wouldn't want to be standing against all those Trump supporters. They look like the backbone of our country

2021-01-14 18:38:03 UTC  

75 million Patriots are going to peacefully resist the socialists :)

2021-01-14 18:41:00 UTC  

Socialists have a habit of thinking they can prosper by rendering things into non peaceful. I think that will be their undoing in America

2021-01-14 18:47:12 UTC  

I've known a number of friends who held sensitive jobs in government and there must be thousands of people working in sensitive government positions who are not amused by the nitwit spectacle we're being presented with. That will be a factor in whatever develops

2021-01-14 18:49:56 UTC  

Honestly, I feel our enemies are throwing a victory party on top of a volcano which they have foolishly underestimated

2021-01-14 18:54:21 UTC  

Yes the beast is yet to come :)

2021-01-14 18:58:06 UTC  

Seems God is testing us in some way, but it's not for me to guess. I know our country has come through all previous challenges and become stronger and more unified. It's been so long since we've been really tested -- seems overdue

2021-01-14 19:00:59 UTC  

It's awesome, the extent to which Donald has brought the races in our country together. This must be a nightmare for parasites who specialize in dividing to conquer

2021-01-14 19:04:59 UTC  

Yes God is watching over us and i would be afraid if i were the socialists

2021-01-14 19:08:12 UTC  

πŸ‘ <:punish:786404356978114571> πŸ’ͺ

2021-01-14 19:11:46 UTC  

Well said

2021-01-14 19:15:00 UTC  

Thanks Faith. That's truly my intuition. Those people are losers and our people are winners. God surely frowns on those who would harm our nation

2021-01-14 19:41:00 UTC  

President Trump = Freedom, Banning = Socialism <:punish:786404356978114571> <:punish:786404356978114571> <:punish:786404356978114571>

2021-01-14 19:42:01 UTC  

Amen πŸ’―

2021-01-14 20:06:37 UTC  

Yes, just shared Gorka's show yesterday, he is spot on πŸ’―

2021-01-14 20:39:26 UTC  

Gorka is a good guy

just remember, hes calling for peace, and patience.... the Lord is helping our POTUS, and i have trust and have faith in both

eventhough i impatiently stalk my window for the last 24hrs lol.....

its a shame.... that our country has to face whats coming, but have faith brothers and sisters, we will see the light

2021-01-15 00:11:14 UTC  

I do too

2021-01-15 00:12:12 UTC  

If not I would be starring down at quicksand!! πŸ€“

when the world is at its darkest, never stop believing, never stop searching for that light, it will be there.... this will be a test of faith for the entire world

our country is strong....and so are we

2021-01-15 00:14:53 UTC  

America is best friends with Israel is one reason we are blessed here.

i came across a vid on clouthub that is really inspirational