Message from @Donald J. Trump

Discord ID: 799717591961698316

2021-01-15 19:09:58 UTC  

Funny thing is having bisexual in it proves the point of 2 genders

2021-01-15 19:10:08 UTC  

Hell yeah

2021-01-15 19:10:27 UTC  

lmao they've been destroyed frim the inside

2021-01-15 19:10:28 UTC  

Lol i want BLM to come near my house

2021-01-15 19:10:30 UTC  

in a discord group I am part of a girl literally said he was so affected that a member didn't like her status '' I am half gay'' the girl is 12 yr old

2021-01-15 19:10:32 UTC  

I got some flags in my room

2021-01-15 19:10:40 UTC  

I have a big Trump flag in my room

2021-01-15 19:10:43 UTC  

Target practice if they start looting

2021-01-15 19:10:44 UTC  

at my moms

2021-01-15 19:10:48 UTC  

like she started screaming

2021-01-15 19:10:52 UTC  

and at my dads I have a huge American flag

2021-01-15 19:10:58 UTC  

I spent like a month working for my grandfather in Indonesia during the summer a year or 2 ago and he asked me to look through some of the resumes for one of the jobs, i remember seeing one where they literally only put LGBTQ+ in their resume and he immediately rejected it

2021-01-15 19:10:58 UTC  

right above my bed

2021-01-15 19:11:02 UTC  

How is one “half gay”

2021-01-15 19:11:03 UTC  


2021-01-15 19:11:23 UTC  

The sad thing though is that some people hire these people....

2021-01-15 19:11:24 UTC  

she literally had her status '' I am half gay''

2021-01-15 19:11:29 UTC  

just for that reason.

2021-01-15 19:11:47 UTC  

Typical 12 year old girls nowadays. why is this normal <:CursedEmoji:763140778770825247>

2021-01-15 19:12:00 UTC  

the best part was that he told me that the rejected resume was an example of exactly what not to do on a resume

2021-01-15 19:12:11 UTC  

Smart man ^

2021-01-15 19:12:13 UTC  

@Donald J. Trump probably a TRENDSgender

2021-01-15 19:12:17 UTC  

School has a big deal with the whole lgbtq ideology

2021-01-15 19:12:22 UTC  


2021-01-15 19:12:33 UTC  


2021-01-15 19:12:35 UTC  

she always draws genderbend... also she was so disturbed for '' to less lesbian art here''

2021-01-15 19:12:50 UTC  


2021-01-15 19:12:54 UTC  

I know a 12 year old 'boy' thats trans and is turning into a boy

2021-01-15 19:12:55 UTC  

Whats the difference between lesbian and straight people art

2021-01-15 19:12:57 UTC  

was a girl

2021-01-15 19:12:58 UTC  

@Donald J. Trump i have two trump flags and a trump coin

2021-01-15 19:12:59 UTC  

if its good, its good

2021-01-15 19:13:11 UTC  

A trump *coin*

2021-01-15 19:13:18 UTC  


2021-01-15 19:13:18 UTC  


2021-01-15 19:13:22 UTC  

ive seen those coins

2021-01-15 19:13:25 UTC  
2021-01-15 19:13:27 UTC  

On youtube ads surprisingly

2021-01-15 19:13:27 UTC  

He needs to make a deck of cards

2021-01-15 19:13:31 UTC  

like she always adds text near her art gay references mostly

2021-01-15 19:13:32 UTC  

Call them trump cards