Message from @Rorschach

Discord ID: 799130956731908097

2021-01-14 04:21:07 UTC  

1. No NSFW
2. Spam on chat or voice channels is prohibited.
3. Excessive CAPS usage is forbidden, be civilized.
4. Fighting on chat or voice channels is prohibited. Swearing is tolerated to a certain extent, only if it is not directed at other members.
5. Racism is strictly forbidden.
6. Respect other members and their opinions and points of view.
7. Do not argue with the staff on a decision. If you have any complaints go to an owner/co owner.
8. No Pedos/pedophiles
9. Do not ghost ping, spam ping, or mass ping server members.
10.Do not be toxic or harass any server member, including in DMs.
11. Do not provoke drama on the server.
12. Use appropriate channels.
13. No alts. (the owner is an exception to this rule)
14. No doxing.